Print Pending Vouchers Report

Use this screen to print a report that lists which vouchers have not been approved.

You must approve vouchers before you post them. Most companies have business rules that require approval of vouchers over a certain amount. For security purposes, only a select number of people have the authority to approve vouchers. This also helps ensure that vouchers for a material go through an established approval process.

For accounts payable vouchers, use the Require Approvals check box on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen to turn the approval requirement on or off. If you select this check box, you can then specify the limit above which approvals are required. Any vouchers below the limit are approved automatically upon entry.

For purchase order vouchers, use the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen to require approval of purchase order vouchers before they are posted. Use the Option drop-down list in the Approval Required group box to select one of the following settings:

  • Manual: Indicates that all purchase order vouchers require manual approval.
  • Automatic: Indicates that Costpoint automatically approves all purchase order vouchers under the Discrepancies Allowed group box limits when you save the voucher. You must manually approve any voucher outside the values of the Discrepancies Allowed group box.
  • Limited: Indicates that Costpoint automatically approves all purchase order vouchers less than or equal to the amount in the Above field in the Approval Required group box and within the parameters of the Discrepancies Allowed group box when you save the voucher.  Any voucher greater than the amount in the Above field in the Approval Required group box or outside the parameters of the Discrepancies Allowed group box must be approved manually.

    In the Above field in the Approval Required group box, you enter the currency amount to set the limit at which purchase order vouchers can automatically be approved. The Above field is active only when you select  Limited from the Option drop-down list. If you select Limited, you must manually approve any voucher for an amount above this limit.

The report prints one line for each voucher. For the purchase order voucher, the report includes a second line for discrepancy information that is valid only at the line level.

Run this report after entering the vouchers and reviewing them for data entry errors. You should run this report only if you selected the Require Approvals check box on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen or Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen. Then you can approve and post the vouchers.

Note: You can apply organization security to this report. Use this optional feature to grant or remove rights to view and/or update specific organizations to users. To do so, you must first set up the necessary organization security screens in Administration. You can then activate organization security. For more information about organization security and how to apply it, see Organizational Security.

Screen Contents

This screen consists of four blocks:

  • Use the Identification block to enter a parameter ID and description.
  • Use the Selection Ranges block to specify the selection ranges for the following: discount date, due date, entry user, invoice date, vendor, voucher, and trans currency.
  • Use the Options block to specify whether you want to include accounts payable vouchers, purchase order vouchers, or both on the report.
  • Use the Sort By block to select the primary and secondary sort for this report.