Contents of the Manage Alternate Fiscal Year Mapping Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Alternate Fiscal Year Mapping screen.


Field Description
Alternate Fiscal Year

Enter the alternate fiscal year code.


Enter the description for the alternate fiscal year.

Start Date

Enter, or click to select, the start date for the alternate fiscal year.

End Date

Enter, or click to select, the end date for the alternate fiscal year.

Number of Periods

Enter the number of periods for the alternate fiscal year.

Alternate Currency

Enter, or click to select, the alternate currency.

Include Adjustment Periods

Select this check box to include adjustment periods in the validation of the sequence of the actual fiscal year, period, and subperiod start and end ranges.

Additional Alternate Fiscal year Info

Field Description
Additional Fields 1, 2, and 3

Use the additional fields to store more information related to the alternate fiscal year.


Enter the label if there is any additional field.


Enter the value for the additional field.

Beginning Balance Running Totals

The running totals are for display only and are derived from the entries in the Alternate FY Beginning Balances subtask. If you want to modify them, open the subtask and edit the entries there.

Field Description
Amount (Func Curr)

This field displays the total beginning amount in functional currency.


This field displays the total beginning hours.

Amount (Alt Curr)

This field displays the total beginning amount in alternate currency.

Table Window

Field Description
Alternate Period

Enter the alternate period.

Alternate Subperiod

Enter the alternate subperiod.

Alternate Subperiod End Date

Enter, or click to select,  the alternate subperiod end date.

Actual Fiscal Year Start

Enter, or click to select, the actual fiscal year start.

Actual Period Start

Enter, or click to select, the actual period start.

Actual Subperiod Start

Enter, or click to select, the actual subperiod start.

Actual Fiscal Year End

Enter, or click to select, the actual fiscal year end.

Actual Period End

Enter, or click to select, the actual period end.

Actual Subperiod End

Enter, or click to select, the actual subperiod end.

Actual Subperiod End Date

This field displays the subperiod end date that corresponds to the selected Actual Subperiod End value.


Subtask Description
Alternate FY Beginning Balances Click this link to open Alternate FY Beginning Balances subtask.