FAQs for the Post Vouchers Screen

Use this section to view frequently asked questions when posting vouchers.

When posting Accounts Payable vouchers, Costpoint displays a message saying that there were no records found to be posted. How can I fix this?

This means that the vouchers have not been approved or that the vouchers are not in the period selected for posting.

  1. Go to the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen.
  2. Execute a Query. If the vouchers are still on this screen, this means that they have not been posted.
  3. Make sure that the Approved check box is selected.
  4. Make sure that the fiscal year, period, and subperiod on the voucher are the same fiscal year, period, and subperiod that you are selecting on the Post Vouchers screen. If they are not, you can either change the period on the voucher or post to the fiscal year, period, or subperiod in which the voucher was entered.
  5. On the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen, verify that the Hold Vouchers check box has not been selected.
  6. Also make sure that: you are selecting the correct voucher type, you have rights to post the vouchers, you have rights to the organization, the voucher number is correct, the user is correct, and the specified Accounts Payable account and Accounts Payable organization are correct for these vouchers.  

I tried to post vouchers created on the Reverse Posted Vouchers screen, but Costpoint displayed the following message: "No record matches criteria." How do I fix this?

None of the newly created vouchers have been approved.

You need to select and approve the vouchers on the Approve Vouchers screen before attempting to post.