Contents of the Manage CLIN Information Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage CLIN Information screen.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the project level at which you want this CLIN to be recorded. If billings are computed and modified at a lower level of the project, the program looks for CLIN information at the next highest project level until one is found.


Field Description
Contract Line Item Number

Enter the CLIN in this field.

Contract Line Item Description

Enter a description for the contract line item.

Sales Abbrev

Enter, or click to select, a valid sales group abbreviation code. You can set up sales group abbreviation codes in the Set Up Sales Group Abbreviations screen. For more information on sales group abbreviation codes, see "Units."

Inventory Abbrev

Enter, or click to select, a valid inventory abbreviation code. You can set up inventory abbreviation codes on the Manage Inventory Projects screen.


Enter, or click to select, the currency for this CLIN. Currencies available for are those saved on the Manage Currencies screen. The currency you select must be your company's functional currency or the project's billing currency; otherwise, Costpoint displays an error message. By default, this column displays your company's functional currency.

You can create multiple CLINs for the same item, but the currency you select must be the same for all CLINs within the project. Otherwise, Costpoint displays an error message.

This code is provided for informational purposes only.


If the currency selected is other than your company's functional currency, enter, or click to select, the country for this CLIN. This country code represents the country to which this CLIN is sold. You can create multiple CLINs for the same item, but with a different country for each item.

You can save only those country codes entered and saved on the Manage Currencies screen. A country code is NOT required for CLINs maintained in your functional currency.


Subtask Description
Item Linkage Click this link to open the Item Linkage subtask, where you can link items set up in Costpoint Product Definition to each CLIN.
Project Unit Pricing Click this link to open the Project Unit Pricing subtask.