Receipts Subtask

Use this subtask of the Invoices subtask to view receipts for the purchase order associated with the subcontractor invoice line.

All fields are display-only and cannot be edited.


Field Description
Work Assignment ID

This field displays the work assignment ID.

Work Assignment Description

This field displays the work assignment description.

Approval Status

This field displays the approval status of the work assignment.


This field displays the vendor number to which the purchase order (PO) is issued.


This field displays the PO ID.


This field displays the release number for the PO.


This field displays the charge line number.


This field displays the description of the charge line item.

Approval Status

This field displays the approval status of the charge line.

PO Line

This field displays the PO line number.

Table Window

Field Description

This field displays the purchase order receipt ID.

Receipt Line

This field displays the receipt line.

Receipt Match Qty

This field displays the invoice match quantity for this receipt line.


This field displays the warehouse for this receipt line.

Packing Slip

This field displays the packing slip number for this receipt line.

Received Date

This field displays the received date for this receipt line.

Received Quantity

This field displays the quantity received for this receipt line.

Accepted Quantity

This field displays the quantity accepted for this receipt line.

Rejected Quantity

This field displays the quantity rejected for this receipt line.

Rejection Reason

This field displays the rejection reason code.

Rejection Disposition

This field displays the rejection disposition code.

Rej Order/Pmt Disposition

This field displays the rejection order/payment disposition code.

Rejected Quantity - Pay

This field displays the rejected but pay quantity in the purchase order unit of measure for this receipt line.

Rejected Quantity - Replace

This field displays the rejected and replaced quantity in the purchase order unit of measure for this receipt line.

Rejected Quantity - Credit

This field displays the rejected and credit quantity in the purchase order unit of measure for this receipt line.

Previously Vouchered Qty

This field displays the quantity previously invoiced for this receipt line. This is the quantity matched against this receipt line across all subcontractor invoices, including this one.

Desired Date

This field displays the desired delivery date for the items ordered in the purchase order.

Due Date

This field displays the date by which the vendor is committed to supply the items ordered in the purchase order.

Material Handler

This field displays the employee ID of the material handler.