Contents of the Print Comparative Book Data Report Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Print Comparative Book Data Report screen.

You can print a detail report that prints data asset-by-asset for all data selection fields, or a summary report.

If you select a summary report, you can compare the following values:

  • Total Cost
  • Salvage Value
  • Amount to Depreciate
  • Prior FY Depreciation
  • FYTD Depreciation
  • Current Pd Depreciation
  • Accum Depreciation
  • Book Value

If you select a detail report (asset-by-asset data), you can compare values from the list above as well as the following six additional values:

  • Auto Calc (Y/N)
  • Depr Method Code
  • Depr Start Date
  • Current Depr Year
  • Days/Pds Remaining
  • Amt Taken Purchase YTD

You can print the data for a range of (including one), or all, asset/item numbers, asset ("ownership") accounts, organizations, and/or projects. Use additional selection criteria to print project subtotals and to include the current period depreciation expense amount in the totals displayed when the selected field is either the Accum Depreciation or the Book Value column. You can sort by account, by organization, by account/org, or by asset/item no. You can also use a page break option for all sorts other than by asset/item number.

The report prints data only for depreciable assets, but you can also print data for Active records, Inactive records, and/or Disposals.

This report is designed to emulate spreadsheets that print comparative data in an easy-to-read format using side-by-side columns in landscape mode on regular-sized paper (8½ x 11). You can print the data for six books on a single page. If you use additional optional books, the additional book columns will print on a second report page.

Because the majority of options for the report already exist in decimal format, you cannot print the data values on the report in whole (rounded) numbers.

You can print this report at any time. Comparative depreciation-related data prints on a "real-time" basis exactly as the data exists in your Asset Master records at the time you run the report.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges

Asset/Item Numbers

Use the following fields to select the asset/item number(s) for which to print comparative depreciation-related book data. The fields for asset/item numbers are only available if you selected the Detail by Asset option in the Print drop-down list in the Options group box.

If you enter an asset number, you must also enter a corresponding item number.

Field Description

Select a range option from the drop-down list. The available options are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

Enter, or click to select, the beginning asset/item number for the selected option. Because the standard Lookup for the asset/item number is to the ASSET table, you may find that you have selected asset records for which the specified data do not exist or asset records that do not meet your other selection criteria. In this event, the data you expect to retrieve from the ASSET or Asset Master Other Books Info (ASSET_OTH_BK_DEPR) table, as applicable, may not be selected.

If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, these fields will be inactive.


Enter, or click to select, the ending asset/item number for the Option selected.

If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, these fields will be inactive.

Asset Accounts

Use the following fields to select asset accounts for the report. Asset account data specifies "ownership" and is required for all Asset Master records.

Field Description

Select a range option from the drop-down list. The available options are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

Enter, or click to select, the beginning asset "ownership" account for the selected range option.

Because this is a standard Lookup to the ACCT table, you may find that you have selected data for which asset records do not exist or do not meet your other selection criteria. In this event, the data you expect to retrieve from the ASSET table or the ASSET_OTH_BK_DEPR table, as applicable, may not be selected.

If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field will be inactive.


Enter, or click to select, the ending asset "ownership" account for the selected range option.

If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field will be inactive.

Asset Organizations

Use the following fields to select asset organizations for the report. Asset organization data specifies "ownership" and is required for all Asset Master records.

Field Description

Select a range option from the drop-down list. The available options are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

Enter, or click to select, the beginning asset "ownership" organization for the selected range option.

Because this is a standard Lookup to the Organization Account (ORG_ACCT) table, you may find that you have selected data for which asset records do not exist or do not meet your other selection criteria. In this event, the data you expect to retrieve from the ASSET table or the ASSET_OTH_BK_DEPR table, as applicable, may not be selected.

If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field will be inactive.


Enter, or click to select, the ending asset "ownership" organization for the selected range option.

If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field will be inactive.

Asset Projects

Use the following fields to select asset projects for the report. Asset project data specifies "ownership" and is optional for all Asset Master records.

Field Description

Select a range option from the drop-down list. The available options are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

Enter, or click to select, the beginning asset "ownership" project for the selected range option.

Because this is a standard Lookup to the Project (PROJ) table, you may find that you have selected data for which asset records do not exist or do not meet your other selection criteria. In this event, the data you expect to retrieve from the ASSET table or the ASSET_OTH_BK_DEPR table, as applicable, may not be selected.

If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field will be inactive.


Enter, or click to select, the ending asset "ownership" project for the selected range option.

If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field will be inactive.


Field Description

Select a report option from the drop-down list. The available options are:

  • Summary: Select this option to print a summary report that does not include individual asset/item number data. The following data will not be available for comparison if you select a summary report:
    • Auto Calc (Y/N)

    • Depr Method Code

    • Depr Start Date

    • Current Depr Year

    • Days/Pds Remaining

    • Amt Taken PYTD

  • Detail by Asset: Select this option to print a detailed report that includes individual asset/item number data.

Select Books

Use the check boxes in this group box to select the books for which data will be printed on the report. You can select any number of books for the report. Data for up to six books can print on the first report page. If you use additional books, the additional book columns will be printed on a second report page.

You must select at least one check box in this group box. Although this report is designed as a comparative report, which implies at least two sets of data (each for a different book), note that you can print the selected data for a single book.

Field Description
G/L Book

Select this check box to print data for the General Ledger book for the selected depreciation-related field.

Book 2 (or your label)

Select this check box to print data for this book for the selected depreciation-related field.

This check box is not available if the book has not been set up on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen. If the book is already established on the Configure Fixed Assets Settings screen, the book name that you assigned during setup automatically displays in place of the generic "Book 2" label.

Book 3 to Book 10 (or your labels)

Please refer to the documentation for the Book 2 (or your label) check box.

Select Fields

Select the desired Asset Master depreciation-related field(s) for which to print data on the report in this group box.

You must select at least one check box. You can select as many check boxes as desired, but each field will print on a new report page.

Field Description
Total Cost

Select this check box to print comparative cost data for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the value from the Total Cost field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same value also displays in the G/L Book Total Cost Amt column of the Manage Asset Cost Information screen and in the Total Cost column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2 to 10, the report prints the value from the Total Cost column in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same value also displays in the Book x (or your label) Total Cost column of the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen and in the Total Cost Amt column of the Manage Asset Cost Information screen.

Salvage Value

Select this check box to print comparative salvage value data for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the value from the Salvage Value field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same value also displays in the Salvage Value column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2 to 10, the report prints the value from the Salvage Value column in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same value also displays in the Book x (or your label) Salvage Value column of the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen.

Amount to Depreciate

Select this check box to print comparative amount to depreciate data for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the value from the Amount to Depreciate field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same value also displays in the Amount to Depreciate column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2 to 10, the report prints the value from the Amount to Depreciate column in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same value also displays in the Book x (or your label) Amt to Depreciate column of the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen.

FYTD Depreciation

Select this check box to print comparative fiscal year-to-date depreciation data for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the value from the FYTD Depreciation field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same value also displays in the FYTD Depreciation column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2 to 10, the report prints the value from the FYTD Depreciation column in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same value also displays in the Book x (or your label) FYTD Depreciation column of the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen

Prior FY Depreciation

Select this check box to print comparative prior fiscal year depreciation data for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the value from the Prior FY Depreciation field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same value also displays in the Prior FY Depreciation column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2 to 10, the report prints the value from the Prior FY Depreciation column in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same value also displays in the Book x (or your label) Prior FY Depreciation column of the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen.

Current Pd Depreciation

Select this check box to print comparative current period depreciation data for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the value from the Current Pd Depreciation field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same value also displays in the Current Pd Depreciation column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2 to 10, the report prints the value from the Current Pd Depreciation column in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same value also displays in the Book x (or your label) Current Pd Depr column of the Manage Asset Other Books Info screen

Accum Depreciation

Select this check box to print comparative cost data for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the value from the Accum Depreciation field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same value also displays in the Accum Depreciation column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2 to 10, the report prints the value from the Accum Depreciation column in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same value also displays in the Book x (or your label) Accum Depreciation column of the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen.

Book Value

Select this check box to print comparative book value for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the value from the Book Value field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same value also displays in the Book Value column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2 to 10, the report prints the value from the Book Value column in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same value also displays in the Book x (or your label) Book Value column of the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen.

Auto Calc Depr Y/N

Select this check box to print comparative auto calculation flag data for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the data from the Auto Calculate Depreciation check box in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same value also displays in the Auto Calculate Depreciation column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2 to 10, the report prints the data from the Auto Calc Depr (Y/N) column in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same data also displays in the Book x (or your label) Auto Calc column of the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen.

Depr Method Code

Select this check box to print comparative depreciation method code data for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the data from the Depr Method Code field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same value also displays in the Depr Method Code column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2 to 10, the report prints the data from the Depr Method Code field in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same data also displays in the Book x (or your label) Depr Method Code column of the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen.

Depreciation Start Date

Select this check box to print comparative depreciation start date data for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the data from the Depr Start Date field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same value also displays in the Depr Start Date column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2 to 10, the report prints the data from the Depr Start Date column in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same data also displays in the Book x (or your label) Depr Start Date column of the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen.

Current Depreciation Year

Select this check box to print comparative current depreciation year data for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the data from the Current Depr Yr field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same data also displays in the Curr Depr Yr column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2 to 10, the report prints the data from the Current Depr Year column in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same data also displays in the Book x (or your label) Curr Depr Yr column of the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen.

Days/Pds Remaining

Select this check box to print comparative days/periods remaining data for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the data from the Days/Pds Remaining field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same value also displays in the Days/Pds Remaining column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2 to 10, the report prints the data from the Days/Pds Remaining column in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same data also displays in the Book x (or your label) Days/Pds Remaining column of the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen.

Amount Taken Purchase YTD

Select this check box to print comparative amount taken purchase year-to-date data for the selected book(s).

If you have selected the G/L Book check box, the report prints the value from the Amt Taken Purch YTD field in the G/L Book Info tab of the Manage Asset Master Information screen. The same value also displays in the Amt Taken Purchase YTD column of the Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information screen.

If you have selected check boxes for optional books 2

 to 10, the report prints the value from the Amount Taken Purchase YTD column in the Other Books Info subtask of the Manage Asset Master Information screen, as applicable. For each applicable book, the same value also displays in the Book x (or your label) Amt Taken Purchase YTD column of the Manage Asset Other Books Information screen.

Print Option

Field Description
Print Project Totals

Select this check box to print subtotals by project for the posted depreciation expense data.

Accum Depr/Book Value Option

Field Description
Include Current Pd Depr Exp Amt in Accum Depr and Book Value Data

Select this check box if you want to include current period depreciation in the Accum Depreciation value displayed on the report.

If you clear this check box, the Accum Depr column will display only the total of the fiscal year-to-date and depreciation for all prior fiscal years. In this circumstance, any current period depreciation already computed will be excluded from the total.

Select this check box to obtain useful values from the report whenever you run the report, both before and after you have computed depreciation.

Select Record Status

Use the check boxes in this group box to choose the record status type(s) to include in your selection criteria. You can print data for active records, inactive records, and/or disposals. You must select at least one check box in this group box.

Field Description

Select this check box to include active records in your print selection criteria.


Select this check box to include inactive records in your print selection criteria.


Select this check box to include disposals in your print selection criteria.

Sort By

In this group box, you can select the way the system organizes the data for the report. Note, however, that the report always prints in the same format, regardless of the sort option you select. (The sort option determines how data should be ordered within this format.)

Field Description
1st Sort

Select a sort option from the drop-down list. The available options are:

  • Account: Select this option to sort the report by asset ("ownership") account.
  • Organization: Select this option to sort the report by asset ("ownership") organization.
  • Account/Organization: Select this option to sort the report by asset ("ownership") account/organization.
  • Asset/Item No: This option is only available if you selected the Detail by Asset option in the Print drop-down list in the Options group box. Select this option to sort the report by asset/item number. Account and/or organization data will not print on the report for this sort option and the Page Break check box is also unavailable.
Page Break

Select this check box if you want a page break in the report each time the selected sort parameter changes. For example, if you have selected to sort the data by account, you should select the Page Break check box if you want the data for each different account to begin printing on a separate page. If you choose the Asset/Item No option for the sort option, this check box is disabled.