Contents of the Manage Asset Template Information Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Asset Template Information Screen.


In this group box, you can enter or view the template number and revision number of the record that you are entering or accessing in the Asset Template screens.

Field Description
Template No

For new records, enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters in this system-required field to designate the template number. You can use only uppercase alphanumeric characters for this key field, which, together with the Rev No field, supplies the unique identifier for this record. The ability to include a revision number in the identifier allows you to record subsequent revisions to an original template, if desired, and to retain each earlier version.

If you have already established an asset template record, you can use Query if you know the template number or if you need to search for asset template records based on specific criteria.

Note: When you set up a template on this screen, and enter a template/revision number that has already been established as an Item/Revision Number in Product Definition, the item description automatically displays in the Long Desc field of the template, where you can edit it as desired. The template number and revision number entered must be a precise match in this circumstance.

If there is no internal requirement for you to link a template with an item from Product Definition, however, you should consider setting up template numbers that are shorter than the maximum 30 characters allowed. Abbreviated template identifiers will be more easily recognized and more efficient to enter during queries and report parameter selections.

Note: There is no automatic template numbering capability, nor are leading zeroes automatically inserted into a template number. For consistency, you may want to develop some internal rules regarding the length and characteristics for template numbers used at your company.
Rev No

For new records, enter up to three numeric characters in this optional field to designate a revision number. This field, together with the Template No field, supplies the unique identifier for this record. A revision number is not required when you set up asset templates. Use revision numbers in the identifier to record revisions to an original template and retain the data from each successive template change, if desired.

If you have already established an asset master record, you can use Query if you know the item number or if you need to search for Asset Master records based on specific criteria.

Note: Use revision numbers only when necessary. If you have set up a template number with an associated revision number on this screen, you will always need to enter that revision number as part of the template identifier. The template number and revision number entered must be a precise match in this circumstance. There is no automatic revision numbering capability, nor are leading zeroes automatically inserted into a revision number. For consistency, you may want to develop some internal rules regarding the length and characteristics for revision numbers used at your company.


Subtask Description
Other Books Info Select this link to open the Other Books Info subtask for the current record.
User-Defined Info Select this link to open the User-Defined Info subtask for the current record.


This application consists of seven tabs as follows:

Tab Description
Desc Info Use the fields in this tab to enter, edit, or view template defaults, as applicable, for descriptions, depreciation status, record status, basis for depreciation, entry information, and definitions.
Purch Info Use the fields in this tab to enter, edit, or view template defaults, as applicable, for vendor information, manufacturer information, and asset condition.
Loc Info Use the fields in this tab to enter, edit, or view template defaults, as applicable, for location group information, general location information, and location codes.
Acct Info Use the fields in this tab to enter, edit, or view template defaults, as applicable, for the asset "ownership" account/organization/project combination, depreciation expense account allocation code, and accumulated depreciation account code information.
G/L Book Info Use the fields in this tab to enter, edit, or view template defaults, as applicable, for system calculations, salvage percentage, and years, units, or lease information.
Govt Info Use the fields in this tab to enter, edit, or view template defaults, as applicable, for the National Stock Number (NSN), year built, employee, and fifteen user-defined non-validated text fields.
Notes Use the field in this tab to enter, edit, or view template defaults for notes, as applicable.