Print Cash Requirements Report

Use this screen to create reports to help you forecast cash needs.

The report is flexible enough to allow for consideration of pay dates, due dates, or discount dates, as well as voucher status and voucher amounts. The report accesses all posted vouchers that have not been paid completely, including any that are on hold, partially paid, or marked as pay-when-paid.

You can run this report at any time. You must post vouchers in order for them to be included in the report; they must exist in the voucher history tables to be included. For the most accurate information, do not run this report while Costpoint is posting vouchers or printing/posting checks.

Note: This report ignores subcontractor issues. Any subcontractor liabilities display here in full; however, payment will be held if you try to print a check/EFT for a subcontractor with payment restrictions.

Screen Contents

This screen has the following elements:

  • Use the Identification block to enter a parameter ID and description.
  • Use the Selection Ranges block to specify selection criteria.
  • Use the Show/Sort By block to sort vouchers by invoice date or voucher number and to show supplemental amounts and open purchase orders. If you choose to show supplemental amounts, you must select a Cash Requirements Supplemental Amounts Schedule to include in the report. You set up the schedules on the Manage Cash Requirements Rpt Supplemental Amounts screen.
  • Use the Options block to tailor the appearance of your report.