Vendor Subtask

Use this non-editable subtask of the View Check History Inquiry screen to view vendor address and phone information.

If you need to correct or update any of this information, you can do so on the Manage Vendor screen.

On the View Check History Inquiry table window, highlight the check for which you want to view pay vendor information and click the Vendor button to display this subtask. You can access this subtask anytime that you need to view vendor address and phone information relating to posted checks.


Field Description
Chk No

This field displays the check number.

Chk Date

This field displays the check date.

Check Amount

This field displays the check amount.

Pay Curr

This field displays the currency code for your pay currency. This is the currency used to pay this voucher.

Line 1, Line 2, Line 3

These fields display Line 1 through Line 3 address information entered via the Manage Vendor screen.


This field displays the city.


This field displays the state/province.

Postal Code

This field displays the postal code.


This field displays the country.

Phone No

This field contains the phone number.

Fax No

This field displays the fax number.

Other No

This field displays any other numbers entered via the Manage Vendors screen.