Vouchers Subtask

Use this subtask to view the vouchers paid by a particular check on the Checks Disbursed subtask.


Field Description
Vendor, Vendor Name, Location

These fields display the vendor ID, name, and location for the selected purchase order voucher from the Checks Disbursed subtask.

Chk No

This field displays each check number issued to the selected vendor.

Chk Date

This field displays the date on which each of the checks was issued.

Pay Curr

This field displays the currency code for this check's pay currency.

Pay Curr Chk Amt

This field displays the total check amount, expressed in the payment currency.

Func Chk Amt

This field displays the check amount, expressed in your functional currency (the currency in which you maintain your general ledger).

Table Window

Field Description

This field displays the unique voucher number assigned to this voucher on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

Invoice No

This field displays the number your supplier assigned to the invoice. Because this field is optional on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen, not every voucher number has an invoice number.

Invoice Date

This field displays the invoice date specified on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

Due Date

This field displays the due date specified on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. You can change this field at any time before making the final payment. You can edit this field on the Edit Voucher Payment Status screen.

Anticipated Pay Date

This field displays the date that defaulted (based on the vendor terms and due date), or that displayed on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. These vendor terms default from the vendor but can be changed on the voucher. You can change this field at any time before making the final payment. You can edit this field in the Edit Voucher Payment Status screen.

Discount Date

This field displays the last payment date that will allow an early payment discount. Costpoint calculates the date in this field based on the vendor terms and the invoice date; however, you can override it on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.  

Pay Currency Amount Paid

This field displays the amount paid on the voucher expressed in terms of the pay currency.

You link the pay currency to a vendor on the Currencies block of the Manage Vendors screen. However, you can change the pay currency on the Exchange Rates subtask of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or the Exchange Rates subtask of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency code used on the voucher. This is the currency in which the voucher is stated.

Invoice Amount

This field displays the total invoice amount stated in the transaction currency for this voucher.

Discount Amount

This field displays the amount that defaulted via a discount percentage and discount date on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen. This amount is based on the discount percent applied to the invoice amount.

Net Due

This field displays the transaction currency amount that remains on the voucher, after the amount paid is subtracted from the amount due.

Amount Paid

This field displays the amount already paid on the voucher, expressed in the functional currency of the company.

Discount Taken

This field displays the amount of the discount that was actually taken on the voucher, expressed in the functional currency of the company.

Subcontractor Payment Code

This field displays the subcontractor status of the payee. N (No) displays if the vendor is not a subcontractor; Y (Yes) displays if the vendor is a subcontractor.

Invoice Pd of Perf

This field displays the invoice period of performance.

If you use subcontractors, they may be covered by insurance and/or bonds. You can enter insurance and/or bonding coverage information on the Manage Subcontractor Insurance Types screen or the Manage Subcontractor Bond Types screen. If your company does not use subcontractors, this field is blank.

If you identified a vendor as a subcontractor on the Manage Vendor screen, you chose a date to use for comparison with the insurance and/or bond coverage dates. Two of the possible choices are tied to Accounts Payable processing: the invoice date and the payment selection date. The third choice is invoice period of performance. When you choose the invoice period of performance date, you can enter the date here, or Costpoint (today's) date defaults. If the subcontractor was not covered during this time, Costpoint displays a warning before it allows payment of any invoices.

Entry User

This field displays the name of the Costpoint user who entered the voucher.