Contents of the Manage Workflow Roles Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Workflow Roles screen.


Field Description

Use this field to enter a role name for a group of individuals that meet the required qualifications to perform a particular workflow activity.

Note: After you enter a role in the Activity or Activity With Options subtask of the Manage Workflow Models screen and the activity is routed, the activity displays in the electronic workflow inboxes (and e-mail, if available) of the individuals associated with the role.

To route activities to a user's email, you must first establish the type of email system and the login user ID and password on the Configure System Settings screen. You must set up each user to receive activities and messages through e-mail on the Manage Users screen. In addition, you must also define the user's e-mail name in the Manage Users screen.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, a filter name for this role. Enter a filter only when you want to limit the number of individuals within the role who receive activities and messages in their electronic workflow inboxes (and email, if available). If a filter is associated with a role, the routing of activities and messages will be limited to the users within the role associated with the workflow's case value.


Subtask Description
Assigned Users Click this link to open the Assigned Users subtask and associate users with the role.