FAQs for the Print Asset Master List Screen

This section contains frequently asked questions when printing an Asset Master List.

In which screens can I enter Asset Master data?

There are a number of screens in which you may enter and/or edit Asset Master data.

You can create and save the data on the Manage Asset Master Information screen. You can subsequently edit the data there, in the Manage Asset Master Global Changes screen, or on the individual entry screens (see list below). Your screen access depends on the specific screen rights that have been granted to you by your system administrator.

Your system administrator can grant user access to all Asset Master record data or to specific data portions of the Asset Master records based on specific screen rights, as follows:

All Asset Master record data:

  • Manage Asset Master Information
  • Manage Asset Master Global Changes

Specific Asset Master record data:

  • Manage Asset Description Information
  • Manage Asset Purchase Information
  • Manage Asset Cost Information
  • Manage Asset Location Information
  • Manage Asset Account Information
  • Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
  • Manage Asset Disposal Information
  • Manage Asset Government Information

Which other standard system reports can I use to print Asset Master data?

The reports listed below are used most frequently to print Asset Master data:

  • Print Asset Master List
  • Print Asset Master Detail Report

Many other Fixed Assets reports print specialized data segments (for example, depreciation, location information, and so on) from your Asset Master records, including:

  • Print Current Period Depreciation Report
  • Print Depreciation Component Information by Book Report
  • Print Posted Transactions Detail Report
  • Print Sequential Posted Depreciation History Report
  • Print Sequential Other Books Depreciation History Rpt
  • Print Comparative Book Data Report
  • Print Asset Book Value Report
  • Print Fixed Assets/General Ledger Reconciliation Report
  • Print Schedule of Asset Activity Report
  • Print Schedule of Accumulated Depr Activity Report
  • Print Asset Location Report