Contents of the Manage Burden Fee Overrides Screen

Use these fields and options to configure the Manage Burden Fee Overrides screen.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, a project to which you want to apply burden fee overrides.

Burden Fee Override Details

Field Description
Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year of the pools for which you want to enter overrides.  Each fiscal year for which you want to enforce burden overrides must be entered in this table. This is a required field.


Enter, or click to select, the pool number for which you want to enter burden fee overrides. All pool numbers entered must be valid for the fiscal year and must belong to allocation group "1." Pool numbers, and the related allocation group number and fiscal year are entered on the Manage Cost Pools screen. This is a required field.

Pool Name

This non-editable field displays the name of the pool entered in the Pool field.

Fee Percent

Use this field to enter the fee override percent. Override percents can be positive, negative, or zero. An empty column indicates that there is no override to the fee percent entered on the Revenue Info screen.

Apply to R/B/A

Use this drop-down list to select the code that determines whether the override percent applies to the Revenue, Billing, or Both computations. Available options include:

  • Revenue
  • Billing
  • All

Any rows that display an Apply to R/B/A code are saved. Rows that have a "0.00" Fee Percent entered and no Apply to R/B/A code are not saved. To place an override on a particular account, you must enter both the Fee Percent and the Apply to R/B/A code.