Contents of the Manage Cash Receipts Preprocessor Settings Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Cash Receipts Preprocessor Settings.

Input file

Use this field to specify the file format and transaction set of the input file you want to use.

Field Description
File Format

Use this drop-down list box to select the electronic format of the data contained in the input file. The available formats are:

  • EDI: Select this option to indicate that the input file data is in EDI transaction set format.
  • NACHA: Select this option to indicate that the input file is in complete NACHA record format.
File Contains Hard Returns

Select this check box if a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) ends each line of data in the input file. Clear this check box if the file contains one continuous data string.

Transaction Set

Use this drop-down list box to select the EDI transaction set used in the input file. The available EDI transaction sets are:

  • 820: Select this option if the input file uses EDI transaction set 820.
  • 823: Select this option if the input file uses EDI transaction set 823.

EDI Delimiters

Use this group box to specify the EDI delimiters used in your input file. An EDI format input file uses these delimiters to separate data segments and file elements. You must first check what characters your input file uses before running this process.

Field Description

Use this field to enter the character that your input file uses to separate data segments.


Use this field to enter the character that your input file uses to separate file elements.

EDI Matching Criteria

Use this group box to specify how the Import Cash Receipts preprocessor matches customers and invoice numbers between the input file and Costpoint.


Use this group box to specify settings for matching invoice numbers between the input file and Costpoint.

Field Description
Unidentified Invoice Number From Bank File

Select this check box to use the invoice number from the EDI file in position RMR02 in place of invoice numbers that do not exist as new invoices in Costpoint. This generates a row for the new invoice in the AR_HDR_HS table.

"UNK" Invoice Assigned by the System

Select this check box to assign an unknown invoice number when the invoice number or payment reference is missing.

Duplicate New Invoice for Different Customers

Select this check box to specify how Costpoint processes multiple records that have different customers and identical invoice numbers. Select one of the options below this check box.

Use File Input for First Receipt, Use System "UNK" for Remaining Receipts

Select this option to allow Costpoint to use the invoice number of the first customer from the input file and assign an unknown invoice number for the succeeding customers that have identical invoice numbers as the first customer.

Use System "UNK" for all Receipts

Select this option to allow Costpoint to assign unknown invoice numbers for all customers that have identical invoice numbers.

Duplicate New Invoice for the Same Customer

Select this check box to specify how Costpoint processes multiple records that have identical customers and invoice numbers. Select one of the options below this check box.

Use File Input for First Receipt, Use System "UNK" for Remaining Receipts

Select this option to allow Costpoint to use the invoice number of the first record from the input file and assign an unknown invoice number for the succeeding records that have identical customer and invoice number as the first record.

Combine all Transactions into One Cash Receipt

Select this option to allow Costpoint to merge all information in all records that have the same customer and invoice number into one cash receipt.


Use this group box to specify settings for matching customers between the input file and Costpoint.

Field Description
Unidentified Customer Alias Match

Select this check box to allow Costpoint to match the customer account against the dedicated code field in the bank file. This allows for an additional match between the Payer (Remitting Party) Name and the Customer Name or Customer Alias Name.

Unidentified Customer to Default

Select this check box to allow Costpoint to assign a default customer account to unidentified remitting parties or invalid customers from the input file. You must enter an account in the Default Customer Account field when you select this option.

Default Customer Account

Use this field to enter, or click to select, a customer account that Costpoint assigns to unidentified remitting parties or invalid customers from the input file.

Extended Matching Options

Use this group box to specify additional matching options in order to increase the number of accurate cash applications as part of this import process.

Field Description
Match Invoice on Non-Zero Numeric Portion

Select this check box to include non-alphabetical and non-zero characters from the invoice matching process. Otherwise, clear this check box. Selecting this check box matches the application code to the non-zero numeric portion of the invoice.

Invoice Amount

Select this check box to enable enhanced invoice matching based on the invoice amount. Use the field to the right to enter the priority level for this option during the enhanced invoice matching process.

Balance Due

Select this check box to enable enhanced invoice matching based on the invoice balance amount due. Use the field to the right to enter the priority level for this option during the enhanced invoice matching process.

Customer Name

Select this check box to enable enhanced invoice matching based on the customer name. Use the field to the right to enter the priority level for this option during the enhanced invoice matching process.

Bill Number

Select this check box to enable enhanced invoice matching based on the bill number. Use the field to the right to enter the priority level for this option during the enhanced invoice matching process.