
Use the Labor Utilization prompts to configure the report.

Prompt Message



Select the company to use to run the report.

Fiscal Year

Select the fiscal year.


Select the period.


Select the subperiod.

Primary Grouping

Select the primary grouping:

  • Employee ID

  • Employee Name

  • Home Organization

Sort By

Select one of the following sort options:

  • Employee ID

  • Employee Name

GLC Option

Choose the GLC to use for the report:

  • Employee Home GLC

  • Timesheet GLC


Select items to include in the report:
  • Leave Accounts
  • Part-Time Employees
  • Temporary Employees

Include as Direct Hours

Select one or more options from the list. Click the Select all link to select all options.

Select Home Organizations

If you selected Home Organization in the Primary Grouping prompt, then you can select the home organizations for the report.

To search with Keywords, enter one or more characters that will help retrieve the item(s) you want to select for the report.

To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords drop-down list. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices.

Select Employee

If you selected Employee ID or Employee Name in the Primary Grouping prompt, then you can select employees to include in the report.

To search with Keywords, enter one or more characters that will help retrieve the item(s) you want to select for the report.

To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords drop-down list. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices.

Report version

Select one of the options for the report view:

  • Summary Report

  • PTD by Project Classification

  • YTD by Project Classification