Voucher Line Accts Subtask

Use this subtask of the Vchr Hist Ln subtask to view account information for charge allocations against the purchase order voucher line.

This subtask is enabled after the voucher has been posted to the General Ledger. All fields are display-only and cannot be edited.


Field Description
Work Assignment ID

This field displays the work assignment ID.

Work Assignment Description

This field displays the work assignment description.

Approval Status

This field displays the approval status of the work assignment.


This field displays the vendor number to which the purchase order (PO) is issued.


This field displays the PO ID.


This field displays the release number for the PO.


This field displays the charge line number.


This field displays the description of the charge line item.

Approval Status

This field displays the approval status of the charge line.

PO Line

This field displays the PO line number.

Table Window

Field Description

This field displays the project ID to which the item is charged.


This field displays the organization ID to which the item is charged.


This field displays the account ID to which the item is charged.

Ref 1

This field displays the reference one against which this line is charged.

Note: The field Ref 1 may display a different label (for example, AC 1) if it has been changed on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen.
Ref 2

This field displays the reference two against which this line is charged.

Note: The field Ref 2 may display a different label (for example, AC 2) if it has been changed on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen.
Ext Amount

This field displays the extended amount for this voucher line charge account.


This field displays the allocation percentage for this purchase order line charge account.

Use Tax Amount

This field displays the use tax amount allocated to this voucher line charge account.

Sales Tax Amount

This field displays the sales tax amount allocated to this voucher line charge account.

Line Chg Amount

This field displays the line charge for the line item.

Project Abbrev

This field displays the project abbreviation.

Org Abbrev

This field displays the organization abbreviation.

Proj Acct Abbrev

This field displays the project account abbreviation code.

Total Before Disc Amt

This field displays the total before discount amount allocated to this voucher line charge account.

Discount Amount

This field displays the discount amount allocated to this voucher line charge account.

Net Amount

The value that displays in this field is Total Before Disc Amount less Discount Amount.