Print Asset/Template Change History Report

Use this report to print change data stored in the audit history tables for Asset Master records and/or Asset Template records.

To store change data in the Asset Change Audit Log (ASSET_AUDIT_LOG) table and/or the Template Change Audit Log (FA_TMPLT_AUDIT_LOG) table (as applicable), you must use the Configure Asset/Template Change Settings screen to indicate whether you generally want to capture Asset Master changes and/or Asset Template changes. Then you must access the Asset/Template Field/Column Names subtask of that screen to select check boxes on a field-by-field basis for Asset Master and/or Asset Template records, as applicable. Each check box that you select signifies that you want to capture data for that field for an Asset Master and/or Asset Template record each time you make a change to that data, regardless of the screen in which the change was made.

Provided that selection has occurred as described, the ASSET_AUDIT_LOG table holds audit history data that is created when you make changes in any of the following screens:

  • Manage Asset Master Information (main screen and all tabs and subtasks)
  • Manage Asset Description Information
  • Manage Asset Purchase Information
  • Manage Asset Cost Information
  • Manage Asset Location Information
  • Manage Asset Account Information
  • Manage Asset General Ledger Book Information
  • Manage Asset Other Books Information
  • Manage Asset Disposal Information
  • Manage Asset Government Information
  • Manage Asset User-Defined Information
  • Manage Asset Master Global Changes
  • Manage Asset Master User-Defined Global Changes

The FA_TMPLT_AUDIT_LOG table holds audit history data that is created when you make changes in any of the following screens:

  • Manage Asset Template Information (main screen and all tabs and subtasks)
  • Manage Asset Template User-Defined Information
  • Manage Template Global Changes
  • Manage Template User-Defined Global Changes

You can print Asset Master record changes stored in the ASSET_AUDIT_LOG table or you can print Asset Template record changes stored in the FA_TMPLT_AUDIT_LOG. You must run each type of print (Asset or Template) separately from this screen. In addition, for the selected data print type (Asset or Template), you can print history data either for changes to the user-defined fields only or for changes to the database fields only (excluding the user-defined fields).

You must first select the Asset Change History or the Template Change History data type for the report.

  • If you select Asset Change History data type, you must also select asset/item numbers for the report.
  • If you select Template Change History data type, you must also select template/revision numbers for the report.

You must also print change history related to user-defined fields or for database fields excluding the user-defined fields. Depending on this decision, use Lookup to choose either the database column name or the User-Defined Label, as applicable.

Regardless of the data type selected for the report, you can also select a user ID and a range of change dates and/or fiscal years/periods.

You can also print data for active records, inactive records, disposals, depreciable records, and/or non-depreciable records.

Sort options for the change history include the following:

  • Asset/Item Numbers
  • Template/Revision Numbers
  • Change Dates
  • User ID
  • Database Column
  • User-Defined Field Label
  • Fiscal Year/Period

You can select the Page Break check box for many of these sort options.

You can print this report at any time. The system incrementally stores additional change history data per your selections on the Configure Asset/Template Change Settings screen; the table data is not replaced. You can delete the change data only by running the Purge Asset/Template Change History process.

Change history data prints on the report based on your selection parameters and the data that resides in the ASSET_AUDIT_LOG table and/or the FA_TMPLT_AUDIT_LOG table (as applicable) at the time you run the report.