Post Cash Receipts

Use this screen to print the Cash Receipts Journal and post it to the General Ledger.

The Cash Receipts Journal is an integral part of the system audit trail, and therefore must be printed before data in the Cash Receipts Transaction Table can be posted. You can, however, print the Cash Receipts Journal without posting it to the Ledger. Cash transfers are also printed and posted as part of this journal.

You can print and post the Cash Receipts Journal any number of times during the month after you enter cash receipts and cash transfers. You can print the Cash Receipts Journal, post a previously printed journal, or print and immediately post the Cash Receipts Journal. When you post the Cash Receipts Journal, you must first print the Journal during the same session. You must also keep your posting selection criteria consistent with the selections that you made to print the journal. If you exit from the screen, or if your selections change, you must reprint the Cash Receipts Journal based on the new criteria before you can post. You cannot close the accounting period until you post all cash receipts transactions.

Note: Cash receipts are posted to the Open Billing Detail table provided that the account charged has a function code of "Labor" or "Non-Labor" in the Project Account Group.