Contents of the Import TE Expenses/Advances Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Import TE Expenses/Advances screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.


Input File

Use this group box to choose the path and file names of your import file as well as the file delimiter.

Field Description

Enter the location of the input file you are importing. There are two ways to do this:

  • In the Location field, enter, or click to select, the alternate file location where the input file is located. Alternate file locations are set up in the Manage Alternate File Locations screen.


  • From the Global Menu, click Process > File Upload. On the File Upload Manager dialog box, click Browse and use the dialog box to select the file you want to import. If you select the Overwrite? check box, Costpoint will overwrite any file of the same name that already exists in the Costpoint database. Click Upload when you are finished. If you use this method, leave the Location field blank. For more information about the File Upload Manager, see the File Upload Manager topic in the Getting Started Guide.

Enter, or click to select, the file to be used in the import process. 


Select a file delimiter from the drop-down list:

  • Comma (default)
  • Semicolon
  • Tab
  • Tilde
Note: International users: The data can contain non-English characters, if expressed using the ASCII character set. Before you create an ASCII text (.TXT) file, be sure that your keyboard language is set to EN (United States English) to prevent the application from generating errors.

Deltek recommends that you use .TXT and .CSV file-naming conventions.

Accounting Period

Use this group box to choose the fiscal year, period, and subperiod to use as the default posting period for all uploaded vouchers. These settings do not override values in the input file, but are used if the fiscal year, period, and/or subperiod in the input file are blank.

Field Description
Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, the fiscal year.


Enter, or click to select, the period.


Enter, or click to select, the subperiod.

Voucher Numbering Method

Use this group box to select a method for numbering vouchers:

Field Description
Use Last System Vchr Number

Select this option to assign sequential, unique voucher numbers when you import to the Costpoint tables.

The application uses the Last System Voucher Number from the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen to determine the next voucher number. This selection is the default.

If you select this option:

  • The system-wide setting for the Voucher Numbering Method must be set to System (on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen).
  • The Last System Voucher Number field must be greater than or equal to zero (on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen).
Supply Beginning Vchr Number

Select this option to enter a beginning voucher number in the adjacent, unlabeled field.

Unique voucher numbers are assigned sequentially when you import, starting with the beginning voucher number you entered. A validation occurs before the vouchers are imported into Costpoint, to ensure that the voucher number/fiscal year combination does not already exist.

Warning: Assigning voucher numbers when importing can take significantly longer than using the voucher numbers provided in the input file. The length of time required for the import also depends upon the number of vouchers being uploaded.

Process Table Options

You can use this group box when you select the Tables option in the Select Input drop-down list. You can select an option as to how you like to import records from the Time & Expense tables.

Field Description
Load Unprocessed Records

Select this option for the initial import from the Time & Expense database tables.

Reprocess Error Records

Select this option to reprocess records that had errors.

Delete Imported Records

Select this option to remove the imported Time & Expense records.

Create Voucher Method

Use this group box to specify the criteria for creating separate vouchers.

Field Description
Vendor/Expense Report

Select this option to create a voucher for each vendor and expense/advance report header using the associated detail. Depending on the transaction or pay currencies selected, you can create more than one voucher. This selection is the default.

Vendor/Expense Report/Line

Select this option to create a voucher for each vendor, expense/advance header, and line detail.  For example, if you select this option, an expense report with five detail lines creates five separate vouchers (one per line).


Use this group box to specify the rate group, freeze rates, or to mark vouchers as approved.

Field Description
Rate Group

Enter, or click to select, the rate group used to retrieve groups of exchange rates. These groups of exchange rates use rate information from only one source. The application uses these rates to compute functional amounts using the transactional amounts in the input file.

You create rate groups on the Manage Exchange Rate Groups screen.

Freeze Rate

Select this check box to freeze the rate on the voucher. If you freeze the rate, the transactional and pay rates cannot be changed.

Mark Vouchers as Approved

Select this check box to approve all vouchers that are created.

Print Edit Report during validate

Select this check box to print the edit report when you run the Validate Input File process.

Continue to process with error records

Keep this check box selected (the default) to instruct Costpoint to continue processing even when it encounters error records. Clear this check box to have Costpoint stop processing if it encounters error records.

Overwrite the existing records

Keep this check box selected (the default) to allow overwriting of existing records during the import process. Clear this check box to prevent overwriting of existing records.

Renumber if beginning voucher number exists

Keep this check box selected (the default) to instruct Costpoint to renumber vouchers if the number that you specify in the Supply Beginning Vchr Number field already exists.

Preview and Print Menu

Field Description
Validate Input File

Click or and select this option to read the input file, create temporary tables, validate records, and print the Error Report. This step can be performed by more than one user.

When you select the Print Edit Report during validate check box, the edit report prints after validation.

The validation of an input file may require you to do it more than once until all errors in the file are corrected. To prevent bottlenecks in this step, multiple users can simultaneously run it with their own set of input files. Once an input file is validated, it can be submitted to the job server where the rest of the import process do not require user interaction. You can get an e-mail notification when the process is complete.

Action Menu

Field Description
Validate Input File and Import Expense/Advance Vouchers

Click the arrow on and select this option to validate and import vouchers. This action will print both the error and edit reports. Only one user at a time can perform this step on this application and you cannot run it simultaneously with the Validate Input File option. You can set this step on the Manage Jobs screen so that the validate and import process can be done at the job server.

Input File Layout/Recommended Input File

  • Input File for Expenses
  • Input File for Advances

Application of Defaults

After all records from the import file have been read and copied, defaults (as selected on the Configure TE Suspense Settings screen) are applied to any blank fields.

Technical Details

Field Description
Tables Read
Table Screen
Account (ACCT) Manage Accounts
Account Entry Rules (ACCT_ENTRY_RULES) Configure Account Entry Groups
Account Group Setup (ACCT_GRP_SETUP) Manage Project Account Groups
Accounting Period (ACCTING_PD) Manage Accounting Periods
TE Suspense Setup (X_TE_SUSP_SETUP) Import TE Expenses/Advances
Default A/P Accounts (DFLT_AP_ACCTS) Manage Accounts Payable Accounts
Default Cash Accounts (DFLT_CASH_ACCTS) Manage Cash Accounts
Fiscal Year (FY) Manage Fiscal Years
General Ledger Configuration File (GL_CONFIG) Configure General Ledger Settings
Organization (ORG) Manage Organization Elements
Organization Account (ORG_ACCT) Link Accounts/Organizations
Project (PROJ) Manage Project User Flow
Project Control (PROJ_CNTL) Configure Project Settings
Project Edit (PROJ_EDIT) Manage Modifications
Project Organization Account (PROJ_ORG_ACCT) Link Projects/Accounts/Organizations
Reference Structure (REF_STRUC) Manage Reference Structures
Sales Tax (SALES TAX) Manage Sales or Value Added Taxes
Subperiod (SUB_PD) Manage Subperiods
Subperiod Journal Status (SUB_PD_JNL_STATUS) Manage Subperiods
Vendor (VEND) Manage Vendor
Vendor Address (VEND_ADDR) Manage Vendor, Addresses subtask
Vendor Settings (VEND_SETTINGS) Configure Vendor Settings
Vendor Terms (VEND_TERMS) Manage Vendor Terms
Voucher Header History (VCHR_HDR_HS) Print Voucher Register Report