Minor Group Number

The Minor Group Number attribute field provides a way to select and group subsets of the data identified by the Major Group Number values.

Each Minor Group Number value is only valid for a single Major Group Number value.

Major Group Number/Description

Valid Minor Group Number/Description

1 – Revenue

0 – Actual revenue

1 – Labor revenue

2 – Non-labor revenue

2 – Direct costs

3 – Direct labor costs

4 – Direct non-labor costs

3 – Indirect costs by resource

5 – Indirect labor costs

6 – Indirect non-labor costs

4 – Indirect costs by pool

7 – Indirect labor costs

8 – Indirect non-labor costs

For example, to include only labor revenue, direct labor costs, and indirect labor costs by resource on a report, use a filter that selects records with one of the following sets of values:

  • 1 as the Major Group Number value and 1 as the Minor Group Number value

  • 2 as the Major Group Number value and 3 as the Minor Group Number value

  • 3 as the Major Group Number value and 5 as the Minor Group Number value