Skills Subtask

Use this subtask of the Vendor Employees subtask to view information about the vendor employee's skills.

Fields default from the Skills subtask of the Manage Vendor Employees screen and cannot be modified.


Field Description

This field displays the skills code linked to the vendor employee.

Skill Description

This field displays the description of the skill linked to the vendor employee.

Years of Experience

This field displays the number of years this vendor employee has had experience with the skill specified.

Last Renewal Date

This field displays the last renewal date of the skill linked to the vendor employee.

Skill Level

This field displays the code for the skill level that applies to this skill.

Skill Level Description

This field displays the skill level description.

Completion Date

This field displays the date on which this particular skill and/or skill level was acquired by the vendor employee.

Expiration Date

This field displays the expiration date of the skill acquired by the vendor employee.