Contents of the Update Approved Engineering Change Notices Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Update Approved Engineering Change Notices screen.


This group box provides basic information about the ECN, including ECN type, class, and status.

Field Description

This field displays the selected ECN ID.


Enter a description in this field for the engineering change.

Table Window

Use this table to provide basic information about parts that are involved in this ECN.

Field Description

This is an automatically numbered field.

Action Code

From the drop-down list,select a code for the action the ECN will perform: to either add a new part, modify an existing part, replace an existing part with another part, create a new revision of an existing part, or make an existing part obsolete. Valid options are:

  • Add
  • Change
  • Replace
  • New Revision
  • Obsolete

If you select Obsolete, the default value for Original Part Status will be Obsolete. If you modify the Action Code to New Revision after saving the record, you must re-enter the Original Part and tab out of the column in order to have the Change-To Part default with the new revision. If the Action Code is Replace or New Revision, the Change-To Part (and Change-To Rev) must be different from the Original Part (and Original Part Rev).

Original Part

Enter, or click to select, the existing part ID to be affected by the ECN. This must contain a valid part ID from the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition. If the Action Code is Add, you should leave this field blank. If the Action Code is Replace or New Revision, the Change-To Part (and Change-To Rev) must be different from the Original Part (and Original Part Rev). You cannot enter provisional part IDs in this field.

Original Part Rev

Enter, or click to select, the part revision to be affected by the ECN. This field must contain a valid part revision from the Manage Parts screen. You should leave this field blank when the Action Code is Add.

Original Part Description

This field displays the description of the part.

Original Part Security

This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the original assembly part is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the original part is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that part:

  • Unrestricted — The part is not subject to data security restrictions.
  • Restricted — The part is subject to data security restrictions and you are authorized to access detailed part information.
  • ***UNAUTHORIZED*** — The part is subject to data security restrictions and you are not authorized to access or view part information. This value is displayed in red background color.

The features in this release relating to Part Data Security are intended to assist your company in achieving ITAR compliance. However, it is each company’s responsibility to confirm that it is meeting its obligations with respect to ITAR or other applicable requirements. Deltek does not warrant that use of this functionality will result in compliance.

Original Part Status

From the drop-down list, select the status that the original part will be assigned by the ECN. Valid options are:

  • Estimating
  • Obsolete
  • Pre-Release
  • Released
  • Phase-Out

This field defaults with the original part's part status from the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Original Part Active

Select this check box to define whether this part is active.

Original CAGE

This field displays the Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) ID for the original part.

Change-To Part

Enter, or click to select, the part ID for the original part this ECN will add to or replace. If you selected an Action Code of New Revision, the default value will be the original part ID. This field is required if the Action Code is Add, Replace, or New Revision. You must leave it blank if the Action Code is Change, Delete, or Obsolete. If the Action Code is Replace or New Revision, the Change-To Part (and Change-To Rev) must be different from the Original Part (and Original Part Rev). You cannot enter provisional part IDs in this field.

Change-To Rev

Enter, or click to select, the part revision for the original part the ECN will add to or replace. This field must have a valid part revision from the Manage Parts screen. If you selected an Action Code is New Revision, the default value will be the next revision letter/number. You must leave this field blank if the Action Code is Change, Delete, or Obsolete.

Change-To Part Description

Enter a description for the part to be added by the ECN. If the Action Code is New Revision, the default will be the original part description. This field is required if the Action Code is Add, Replace or New Revision. You must leave this field blank if the Action Code is Change, Delete, or Obsolete.

Change Part Security

This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the replacement part is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the replacement part is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that part:

  • Unrestricted — The part is not subject to data security restrictions.
  • Restricted — The part is subject to data security restrictions and you are authorized to access detailed part information.
  • ***UNAUTHORIZED*** — The part is subject to data security restrictions and you are not authorized to access or view part information. This value is displayed in red background color.
Change-To Status

From the drop-down list, select the status code that the ECN will assign to the change-to part. Valid options are:

  • Estimating
  • Obsolete
  • Pre-Release
  • Released
  • Phase-Out

If the Action Code is Add, Replace or New Revision, the default value will be Released; however, this field will default to the Part Status drop-down lists in the MBOM Components, MBOM Chng Assy, EBOM Components, and EBOM Chng Assy subtasks when you save the record with one of these three action codes.

Change-To MBOM Status

From the drop-down list, select the MBOM status that the ECN will assign to the change-to part. Valid options are:

  • Released
  • Partially Released
  • Unreleased

If the Action Code is Add or Replace and the change-to part is an MBOM assembly, the change-to part's MBOM status will default in this field but can be modified. If the Action Code is New Revision and the original part is an MBOM assembly, the original part's MBOM status will default in this field but can be modified. When you add a new line, this field is blank if the part is not an MBOM assembly, or if no component lines exist in the MBOM Components subtask. The value in the MBOM Status drop-down list in the MBOM Components subtask also defaults into this field when you save the record, depending on the action code.

Change-To EBOM Status

From the drop-down list, select the EBOM status that the ECN will assign to the change-to part. Valid options are:

  • Released
  • Unreleased

If the Action Code is Add or Replace and the change-to part is an EBOM assembly, the change-to part's EBOM status will default in this field but can be modified. If the Action Code is New Revision and the original part is an EBOM assembly, the original part's EBOM status will default in this field but can be modified. When you add a new line, this field is blank if the part is not an EBOM assembly, or if no component lines exist in the EBOM Components subtask. The value in the EBOM Status drop-down list in the EBOM Components subtask also defaults into this field when you save the record, depending on the action code. You cannot select Released in this field if there are provisional component parts in the EBOM Components subtask.

Change-To CAGE

Enter, or click to select, the CAGE code for the part to be added by the ECN. If the Action Code is Add, Replace, or New Revision, the default is the original part's CAGE ID.


From the drop-down list, select whether part is normally purchased or manufactured. Valid options are:

  • Buy — Select this option if the part is normally purchased.
  • Make — Select this option if the part is normally manufactured.

If the Action Code is Add, Replace, or New Revision, the default is the original part's make/buy code.

Copy Original Part Info

Select this check box to copy all part information from the original part to the new change-to part. You can modify this option when the Action Code is Replace or New Revision.

Replace In All BOMs

Select this checkbox to replace the original part with the change-to part wherever it is found as a component in a BOM. You can modify this check box when the Action Code is Replace or New Revision.

Effective Date

Enter, or click to select, the date on which the proposed part modifications are to become effective. When you add a new line, this field defaults with the Suggested Effective Date from the Details tab.

Roll Parent Revisions

Enter Y (Yes) to increase the revision of all assembly parts that have the original part as a component. This option is currently available only if you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen.

Material Disposition

From the drop-down, select a code to indicate the disposition of the existing inventory for the affected parts. Valid options are:

  • Scrap
  • Rework
  • Reinspect
  • No Change
  • Update Rev


Subtask Description
Impacted Projects Click this link to open the Impacted Project subtask, where you can view the projects impacted by the ECN.
Approvals Click this link to open the Approvals subtask, where you can view current information on approval status of this ECN.
General Notes Click this link to open the General Notes subtask, where you can describe the need for the engineering change.
Technical Notes Click this link to open the Technical Notes subtask, where you can describe any issues related to the ECN.
Implementation Notes Click this link to open the Implementation Notes subtask, where you can enter additional information about the implementation of the engineering change.
Text Click this link to open the Text subtask, where you can link standard text codes to this ECN.
Documents Click this link to open the ECN Documents subtask, where you can maintain the list of documents affected by this ECN.
EC Impacted Groups Click this link to open the EC Impacted Groups subtask, where you can maintain the list of functional groups impacted by this ECN.
User-Defined Info Click this link to open the User Defined Info subtask, where you can maintain user-defined information related to this ECN.
Part Documents Click this link to open the Part Documents subtask, where you can maintain the list of document links for the selected part to be affected by this ECN. If the Action Code is Change, Delete, or Obsolete, this refers to the selected original part. For all other action codes, the change-to part will be referenced.
MBOM Components Click this link to open the MBOM Components subtask, where you can maintain the list of the MBOM components of the selected part to be modified by the ECN. For action codes Change or Obsolete, this subtask will reference the selected original part. For all other action codes, this subtask will reference the change-to part.
MBOM Orig Assy Click this link to open MBOM Orig Assy subtask, where you can maintain the list of the MBOM assemblies in which the Original Part is a component. This subtask is enabled if the Action Code of the selected line in the main screen is Replace, New Revision, Obsolete, or Change and you have entered an Original Part.
MBOM Chng Assy Click this link to open MBOM Chng Assy subtask, where you can maintain the list of the MBOM assemblies that use the original part. This link is enabled if the Action Code is Add, Replace, or New Revision and the Change-To Part is populated for the selected line in the main screen.
EBOM Components Click this link to open the EBOM Components subtask and maintain the EBOM components of the selected part to be modified by the ECN. For action codes Change or Obsolete, this subtask will reference the selected original part. For all other action codes, this subtask will reference the change-to part.
EBOM Orig Assy Click this link to open the EBOM Orig Assy subtask and maintain the EBOM assemblies in which the original part is a component. This subtask is enabled if the Action Code of the selected line in the main screen is Replace, New Revision, Obsolete, or Change and you have entered an Original Part.
EBOM Chng Assy Click this link to open the EBOM Chng Assy subtask and maintain the EBOM assemblies that use the original part. This link is enabled if the Action Code is Add, Replace, or New Revision and the Change-To Part is populated for the selected line in the main screen.
Routings Click this link to open the Routings subtask, where you can maintain the routings of the selected part to be modified by the ECN. If the Action Code is Change, Delete, or Obsolete, this refers to the selected original part. For all other action codes, the change-to part will be referenced.