Contents of the Manage Rate Sequence Orders Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen.


This table includes information about selecting a project.

Field Description

Enter, or click to select, a project.

Rate Sequence Details

This table includes information about options related to rate tables and the order in which rate tables are searched.

Field Description

Enter a sequence number from one to four to signify the order in which the rate tables are searched by the Load Labor Rates process. The table with a sequence number of "1" is the first table searched for by Costpoint, followed by number "2," and so on. This is a required field.

Rate Table

Enter, or click to select, a valid system-defined billing rate table name. Select one of the following rate tables:

  • PEC: Bills by project, by employee, and by labor category
  • PVC: Bills by project, by vendor, and by labor category
  • PC: Bills by project and labor category
  • C: Bills by labor category
Rate Table Description

This column displays the Costpoint-defined description of each of the four billing rate tables.

Source Project

Enter, or click to select, a valid project that serves as the source for the billing rate table. The source project is required for rate tables PC, PEC, and PVC. This project is often the same as the project entered in the heading of this screen, but it can be another project that contains the correct billing rates.

Warning: Be careful when selecting a source project that is different than the project you are billing. If the source project has billing discounts on the PLCs and the project you are billing doesn't use billing discounts, the PLC billing rates are discounted when you load the labor rates. 

Or, if you select a source project that does not have billing discounts on the PLCs for a project that does use billing discounts, you get incorrect billing rates when you load the labor rates.

The Load Labor Rates program does not check the Manage Project Billing Information screen or the Manage Revenue Information screen to see whether you have selected a discount method. If a discount percentage is loaded in the PLC Rate tables, the load labor rates program automatically loads the original billing rate and the discounted billing rate into open billing detail and labor history. If that occurs, you get incorrect billing rates when you calculate a bill or compute revenue.