ITD Balance Method

For accounts payable, this method does the following:

  1. Updates AP_UNREAL_G_L_HS with data for the voucher. You can query this by the VCHR_KEY.
  2. Posts a journal entry that debits or credits the open AP account/organization, as required, and debits the unrealized loss account and/or credits the unrealized gain account using either the AP organization or a specific organization. The organization settings and the unrealized gain and loss accounts are set up in the Multicurrency Accounts screen. 
  3. Adds a reversing entry (S_JNL_CD = "REV") in JE_HDR and JE_TRN for the last subperiod of the following period to reverse the entry posted in step 2.  
    Note: Remember to post this reversing entry as soon as possible in the following period, or your unrealized gains/losses will be overstated.

No unrealized gain/loss amounts are updated in OPEN_AP.

For accounts receivable, this method does the following:

  1. Updates AR_UNREAL_G_L_HS with data for the invoice. You can query this by the INVC_ID.
  2. Posts a journal entry that debits or credits the AR account/organization, as required, and debits the unrealized loss account and/or credits the unrealized gain account using either the AR organization or a specific organization. The organization settings and the unrealized gain and loss accounts are set up on the Manage Multicurrency Accounts screen.
  3. Adds a reversing entry (S_JNL_CD = "REV") in JE_HDR and JE_TRN for the last subperiod of the following period to reverse the entry posted in step 2.
    Note: Remember to post this reversing entry as soon as possible in the following period, or your unrealized gains/losses will be overstated.

No unrealized gain/loss amounts will be updated in AR_HDR_HS.