Print Accounts Payable History Report

Use this screen to print accounts payable history information for a single vendor or group of vendors, by voucher.

The report lists the accounts payable history information by voucher and any checks that were printed against that voucher, including voided checks. Unrealized gains and losses are also included in the report as part of the Vendor Total Voucher amount.

The report includes the following information: Vendor, Vendor Name, AP Acct/Org, Voucher, Entry User ID, Invoice (Number), PO (Number), Invoice Date, Invoice Amount, Discount Amount, Amount Due, Trans Currency, Check Number, Check/Void Date, FY, Pd, Subpd, Pay Vendor ID, Cash Account (Number), Cash Organization, Discount Taken, Amount Paid, and Pay Currency.

This report is useful in the following situations:

  • A vendor requests that you send them their invoice and payment history.
  • An auditor requests a printout of the Accounts Payable History report.
  • A manager requests that a vendor's history include both the vouchers and the corresponding checks that were issued to pay those vouchers.

To have the most up-to-date information, post the vouchers and print the checks in question.

Screen Contents

This screen has the following elements:

  • Use the Identification block to enter a parameter ID and description.
  • Use the Selection Ranges block to specify the selection ranges for the A/P history information that you want to print.
  • Use the Options block to specify the voucher type, report format, and the level of detail.
  • Use the Sort By block to specify how the report data is organized.