Print Disposal Transactions Edit Report

Use this report to review the disposal information for all books for both depreciable and non-depreciable assets.

It includes all data entered and displayed on the Manage Disposal Transactions screen, and sorts the information by your selected sort option. (Sort options include asset/item number, selection status, asset account, organization, project, disposal date, and gain/loss account.) You can also print disposal information for a range of gain/loss accounts, organizations, disposal dates, and asset/item numbers. Additionally, you can include or exclude disposals for depreciable and non-depreciable assets and choose disposals selected for posting or on hold. The report prints cost, accumulated depreciation, depreciation adjustment, and gain/loss amounts for Books 1 to 10, and calculates the book value amount by subtracting the accumulated depreciation from the asset's total cost. Columns print only for books that contain information for the asset/item number.