Contents of the Validate IWO Suspense Transactions Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Validate IWO Suspense Transactions screen.


Field Description
IWO Number

Click to retrieve the IWO number for your transfer.


These non-editable fields display the sending and receiving locations of the transfer.

Field Description

These fields display the location and the name for the sending location.


These fields display the location and the name for the receiving location.

Allocation Information


This non-editable field displays information about the creation of the IWO transfer.

Field Description

This field displays the ID of the last user to save this allocation.


This field displays the last date of any modifications made to this allocation.

On Hold

Select this check box to put the selected IWO allocation on hold. If all or a part of the entry has failed validation, this check box is selected and you must correct the problem or assign all failed entries to a suspense account.


Use this text box to enter comments about this suspended transaction.

Total IWO Transfer (Trans Curr)

This non-editable field displays the total amount of IWO transfers from the sending company or to the receiving company. For sending companies, this field shows the IWO transfer amount in the sending company's functional currency. For receiving companies, this field shows the IWO transfer amount in the IWO currency.

Total IWO Transfer (Receiver Func Curr)

This non-editable field displays the total amount of IWO transfers to the receiving company in the receiving company's functional currency.

Note: This field is available only if you are licensed for Multicurrency.
IWO Currency

This non-editable field displays the IWO currency code for this allocation (which is the sending project's billing currency as set up on the Manage Project Billing Information screen).

Destination Sales Tax Code Enter, or click to select, the sales/VAT tax code for the receiving location of the IWO allocation. This field is required if sales/VAT tax is included in the IWO allocation.
Recovery Percent Enter the recovery percent associated with the sales/VAT tax code. If you enter a value greater than 0, the Recovery Suspense Account and Recovery Suspense Organization fields become required.
Recovery Suspense Account Enter, or click to select, the account that you want to use for the recoverable suspense for the sales/VAT tax code.
Recovery Suspense Organization Enter, or click to select, the organization that you want to use for the recoverable suspense for the sales/VAT tax code.
Note: If the sales tax code does not match the one in the current database, the entry will remain in suspense until corrected. In addition, if the recovery percent, account, and/or organization do not match those associated with the sales tax code in the current database, the entry will remain in suspense until corrected.

For an overview of setting up sales/VAT tax information in IWO billing and tax reports, see Include Sales/VAT Tax in IWO Billing and Tax Reporting.

Suspense Details

This table identifies, by line, the following information about the IWO suspense items: Project, Account, Organization, Transaction Amount, Transaction Hours, Transaction Description, Ref 1, Ref 2, Update Billing, Transactional Receiving Amount, Functional Receiving Amount, Voucher Number, Vendor ID, and Vendor Name.


Subtask Description
Exchange Rates Click this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask, where you can view the currency code, rate group, rate date, and exchange rate used for the IWO suspense item.
Labor Detail Click this link to open a subtask where you can review, by table line, labor data about the IWO allocation. The data includes General Labor Category (GLC), Project Labor Category (PLC), ID, ID Type, Name, Hours, and Amount.