Computation of Progress Payment Clause A3II or A4II Limitation

Costpoint uses lines 21a through 27 in the calculation of limits on outstanding progress payments.

21a. Contract Price Of Items Delivered, Accepted, and Invoiced To Date In Heading Of Section II

This line is the sum of the delivery amounts in the AR_HDR_HS table. It is the total value of goods and services that have been delivered by subcontractors up to and including the bill date on which the calculation is performed. You can modify this line.

21b. Contract Price Of Items Not Delivered, Accepted And Invoiced (Item 5 less 21a)

Costpoint calculates this line by subtracting line 21a from line 5. It represents the price of items not delivered. You cannot modify this line.

21c. Item 21b Multiplied By Item 6b

Costpoint calculates this line by multiplying line 21b, price of undelivered items, by line 6b, liquidation percentage. You cannot modify this line.

21d. Unliquidated Advance Payments Plus Accrued Interest

You must manually enter the value in this line. It represents advance payments that have been made in addition to the regular progress payment cycle. You can modify this line on the Manage Progress Payment Bills screen.

21e. Limitation (a(3)(ii) or a(4)(ii)) (Item 21c less 21d)

Costpoint calculates this line by subtracting line 21d from line 21c. This value is the limitation for outstanding progress payments. You cannot modify this line.

22. Maximum Unliquidated Progress Payments (Lesser of Item 20e or 21e)

This line is the lesser value of lines 20e and 21e. This is the maximum amount of unliquidated progress payments that are allowed. You cannot modify this line.

23. Total Amount Applied And To Be Applied To Reduce Progress Payment

To calculate this line, Costpoint first sums the Liquidation Amount on Invoice Types of Delivery, that have been paid, from the Manage Accounts Receivable History screen. It then sums the unpaid delivery invoices from the same table and multiplies the result by the liquidation rate. Costpoint adds together the values resulting from these two calculations to arrive at the estimated total liquidations. You cannot modify this line.

24. Unliquidated Progress Payments (Item 18 less 23)

Costpoint calculates this line by subtracting line 23 from line 18. Normally, this calculation results in a positive value. However, line 23, estimated total liquidations, can occasionally exceed line 18, total amount of previous progress payments requested. This occurs if delivery invoices were invoiced but not paid and require no liquidation. In this case, line 24 is zero (line 24 cannot be a negative value). You cannot modify this line.

25. Maximum Permissible Progress Payments (Item 22 less 24)

Costpoint calculates this line by subtracting line 24 from line 22. It subtracts unliquidated progress payments from maximum unliquidated progress payments to arrive at maximum progress payments allowed or available. You cannot modify this field.

26. Amount Of Current Invoice For Progress Payment (Lesser of Item 25 or 19)

This line is the lesser value of lines 25 and 19. Costpoint compares the maximum balance eligible for progress payments (line 19) with the maximum permissible progress payments (25) and uses the smaller value as the invoice amount.

27. Amount Approved By Contracting Officer

The value from line 26 defaults to this line. Note that the contract officer approving the invoice can modify this amount at his discretion.