How many times during the same accounting period can I calculate depreciation?

You can calculate depreciation as many times as you need to during the same accounting period.

There will be no changes to the amount originally calculated for the period, however, unless you have made changes to fields used during the computation, such as Depr Method Code, Current Depr Yr, Days/Pds Remaining, Depr Start Date, and so on.

If you have already calculated depreciation for all your assets and discover that there are several new records that you need to add for the period, you can safely calculate depreciation again for all your records. If you have made no changes to fields used during the computation, the Current Pd Depreciation amount for all previously computed records will be recomputed but will not change, and the correct values for all new records will be computed for the first time. If you are able to isolate the asset number range of the newly added records, an alternate and time-saving solution in this circumstance is to simply recalculate depreciation only for the last assets added.