CLIN Mapping Subtask

Use this subtask to map projects and accounts and/or PLCs.

If you have specific project account groups or have established your transaction projects so that they relate to ACRNs or CLINs (line items), no account or PLC mapping is necessary unless the same project is mapped to more than one CLIN. For example, if you have the following project data, there is no need to map accounts or PLCs because you have line items associated with the project tasks. You can map the transaction level project.

Project Number Project Function Line Item (CLIN)
C001 Top Level Rollup
C001.01 Revenue and Billing Level
C001.01.01 Task 1 Engineering Labor 0001AA
C001.01.02 Task 2 Support Labor 0002AB
C001.01.03 Task 3 Other Direct Costs 0001AA

If the line items cannot easily be associated with project numbers, you can map accounts or Project Labor Categories (PLCs) to each line using the Accounts or PLC Mapping subtasks. You can enter data in only one subtask for a given project/CLIN. The PLC Mapping subtask is available only for projects using an LLR formula.

  • Use the Accounts subtask to specify summary level account ranges for a project/line item (CLIN). If no accounts or PLCs are mapped to a project/line item (CLIN), all PLCs and accounts charged to the project are mapped to the CLIN line.
  • If the billing formula is a LLR type formula, use the PLC Mapping subtask to map Project Labor Categories (PLCs) to a project/line item (CLIN). You can map accounts or PLCs to the same project/CLIN line, but not both. If no accounts or PLCs are mapped to a project/line item (CLIN), all PLCs and accounts charged to the project are mapped to the CLIN line.

    To make the mapping task easier, you can map projects at and below the entered level, but you cannot enter a project that is part of a project "branch" already entered.  If this occurs, an error message displays.

    Given the project structure shown in the preceding table, you would map as follows:

    Project CLIN
    C001.01.01 0001AA
    C001.01.02 0001AB
    C001.01.03 0001AA

    Since there are several CLINs below the billing level, you cannot map the billing level project.

    Any billed amounts that are not mapped are not included in the iRAPT file.


Field Description
Project Level At and Below

Enter, or click to select, the beginning level project number. The project number acts as a wildcard, and you cannot stack projects within the branch above or below that level.


Enter the CLIN associated with the project number.

Include Schedule Bill

Select this check box to include the schedule bill amount with the project/CLIN. You must select this check box for one line only.


You can enter data for a given project/CLIN in only one subtask. If you manually upload data into both subtasks for a project/CLIN, the data on the PLC Mapping subtask is used and the data on the Accounts subtask is ignored.

Subtask Description
PLC Mapping Highlight a line in the table window and click the PLC Mapping link to open the PLC Mapping subtask. This button is not available unless the project is using an LLR billing formula.
Accounts Highlight a line in the table window and click the Accounts link to open the Accounts subtask.