Contents of the Manage Asset Master User-Defined Labels Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Asset Master User-Defined Labels screen.

Table Window

In this optional table, you can initialize the label information, including the label type, the label name, the sequence number that controls the order of the label display, a short description for the label, and whether data entry for the label should be required on the Manage Asset Template Information and Manage Asset Master Information screens.

You can also optionally designate whether validated text should be used for the label or whether validation should be made against existing Costpoint tables. If you have selected the validated text option for the label, you must also set up the data against which it is to be validated in the Validated Text subtask.

Field Description
Sequence Number

Enter the sequence in which you want the labels to display on the Manage Asset User-Defined Information and Manage Asset Template User-Defined Information screens. You must indicate the order for the label display using a unique identifier, such as "1", "2", "3", and so on. Note that this field is required for functionality, even if you have set up only one label.

For a new row, the system automatically assigns the sequence number in increments of 10, which can be edited if needed.

Data Type

Select the data type from the drop-down list. The options available are:

  • Date
  • Number
  • Text

Enter a label for the user-defined field. This label will automatically display when you access the Manage Asset User-Defined Information and Manage Asset Template User-Defined Information screens.

Help Description

Enter an "instructional" message of your choice. This help description will automatically display at the bottom of the screen for the user at this label row during the entry of user-defined information on the Manage Asset User-Defined Information and Manage Asset Template User-Defined Information screens.

Costpoint Validation Field

Enter, or click to select a field from a Costpoint table. If you want the system to validate user-defined field data against data in existing Costpoint tables, you can use Lookup to view an extensive selection of available fields, along with the field and table names, from selected Costpoint tables. Select the desired field name from the Case label column displayed during Lookup. (The system uses terminology for this column from Costpoint Workflow; the Case Label column refers to the field name against which validation will take place from the displayed Lookup table column.)

The field name you select during Lookup will display in this column for the label. When you enter data on the Manage Asset User-Defined Information and Manage Asset Template User-Defined Information screens and access Lookup, Costpoint displays the available data choices for the label.

If you decide to create a label to be validated against existing system data, you must first invoke Lookup in this column for the label row and then select the field against which to validate from the Case Label column in Lookup. For example, if you decide to validate against the account, you should highlight the Lookup row that displays:

  • Case Label — Account
  • Lookup table — ACCT
  • Lookup column — ACCT_ID

When you select this row, "Account" displays in the Costpoint Validation Field column for this label. When you are ready to enter data for this label on the Manage Asset User-Defined Information and Manage Asset Template User-Defined Information screens and use Lookup, all the available accounts (from the ACCT_ID field in the ACCT table for this example) automatically display and you can select one for validation use.

Validated Text

If you select Text in the Data Type column, you may decide that the allowable data should be validated against values you enter rather than against existing system data.

To enable the use of validated text for a label, select this check box. Then click the Validated Text subtask to enter the desired validated text. (In the Validated Text subtask, you can enter validated text and its description.)

If you clear this check box, you will not associate the label to a validated text and you cannot use the Validated Text subtask.


Select this check box to require data entry for this label on the Manage Asset User-Defined Information and/or Manage Asset Template User-Defined Information screens. In this circumstance, Asset Master and Asset Template records cannot be saved if user-defined data has not been entered.

Otherwise, clear this check box if user-defined data entry is not required for this label.


Subtask Description
Validated Text Click this link to open the Validated Text subtask.