Details Tab

Proposal Details

Field Description

Select the proposal's status from this drop-down list. The system-defined options are:

  • In Process — This is the default option for a new proposal. This proposal is open, not submitted, and eligible for revision.
  • Completed — The proposal is complete, but you can still modify it and add new lines.
  • Submitted — The proposal was submitted.
  • Closed Awarded — The customer accepted the proposal, and the proposal is now closed.
  • Closed Lost — The customer did not accept the proposal, and the proposal is now closed.
  • Closed Not Submitted — The proposal was closed without being submitted to the customer.

Enter, or click to select, the ID of the organization that is responsible for this proposal. You can establish organization information on the screens found in the Organizations menu of the General Ledger module in Accounting. The Organization abbreviation displays in the unlabeled field to the right.

Freeze PBOMs

Select this check box and then save the proposal record to prevent further modifications to this proposal BOM record on any of the screens in the Proposal Bills of Material menu. To re-enable modifications to this record, clear the Freeze PBOMs check box and save the record again


Enter, or click to select, the customer ID for this proposal. Maintain customers on the Manage Customers screen. If you enter a valid customer ID, the field on the right displays the customer's name. You can also enter the name of a customer that is not defined on the Manage Customers screen as well as their address code, as long as you leave the Customer field blank.


Enter, or click to select, the address code that is used for the customer. Maintain customer address codes on the Manage Customers screen.

Proposal Manager

Enter, or click to select, the employee ID of the manager responsible for the proposal. Maintain employee IDs and related information on the screens in the Basic Employee Information menu found in the Employee module.

Quantity Breakpoints

Select up to five quantity breakpoints from this drop-down list. Quantity breakpoint values allow you to cost items for different ordered quantities. For example, an item may cost $2.00 each when you order fewer than 500, but $1.50 if you order 500 or more.

When you increase or decrease the number of quantity breakpoints in this drop-down list, Costpoint warns that changing the number of proposal quantity breakpoints also affects the number of end item quantity breakpoints. If you dismiss this warning, the Proposal Qty Break column for the end item in the table window adjusts to the number you selected from this drop-down list.

Part Lookup Type

Select from this drop-down list the part lookup type:

  • Standard — Standard parts are used
  • Provisional — Provisional parts are used

Proposal Dates

Field Description
RFP Date

Enter, or click to select, the date on which the customer sent the request for proposal. If you leave this field blank, it defaults with the system date when you save the proposal record.

Required Date

Enter, or click to select, the date on which the customer requires the proposal.

Proposal Start Date

Enter, or click to select, the date on which you started the proposal. If you leave this field blank, it defaults with the system date when you save the proposal record.

Completed Date

Enter, or click to select, the date when the proposal was (or should be) completed.

Last Costed Date/Time

This field displays the date and time of the most recent cost recalculation for this proposal. If you add or delete end item lines in the table window and try to save the updated information for this proposal, Costpoint asks if you want it to recalculate the proposal costs automatically.