Print Data Dictionary Report

Use this report to query or print selected data dictionary (DD) information, as desired.

The data dictionary consists of a set of tables in the Costpoint database that describes database information including table descriptions, how the tables are used, their life cycles and business rules, as well as detailed information at the column level.

The data dictionary tables hold data for all of the following schemas, as applicable:

  • Transactional: This schema contains the business data related to the Costpoint screens and processes.
  • Metadata: This schema contains application descriptions and application component descriptions that are read by Costpoint at runtime and dictate application presentation and behavior attributes.
  • Administrative: This schema contains Costpoint system configuration and user authorization information.
Note: You can access all the information contained in the data dictionary, including the metadata and administrative schemas, even if your company is not licensed for Costpoint.

After entering your specifications and options, click to start printing the data dictionary report.