Contents of the Manage Project Product Bills Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Project Product Bills screen.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the project being invoiced. The project name displays in the field to the right.


Click this button to recalculate line totals.

Table Window

Use to add a line to the table.

Field Description

The line numbers are filled in automatically as you add lines to this table.


Enter, or click to select, the CLIN for the item being invoiced. This CLIN must exist for the project being invoiced. You must select either a CLIN or a price catalog, but not both.

Catalog ID

Enter, or click to select, the price catalog for the item being invoiced. This price catalog must exist for the project being invoiced. You must select either a CLIN or a price catalog, but not both.

CLIN/Catalog Description

This field displays the name of the CLIN or price catalog to which this invoice line is being billed.


Enter, or click to select, the item being invoiced. This item must exist for the project and CLIN or catalog being invoiced. If only one revision of the Item exists, the item revision defaults into the Item Rev field.

Item Revision

Enter, or click to select, the revision number of the Item being invoiced. This revision must exist for the project, CLIN and item being invoiced. If only one revision of the Item exists, that revision defaults into this field.

Selling Description

This field displays the item selling description when an Item is entered. This field is non-editable if you are using the price catalogs or CLIN. You can use this field to enter a description of the goods or services.  You also need to enter the quantity and unit price. If you use this field in this manner, you cannot enter a catalog or an item.

Prt Long Desc

Enter Y (Yes) to print the long item description on the invoice or N (No) to print the short item description. The long description wraps across multiple lines on the invoice. This is a required field.

Unit Quantity

Enter the number of units to invoice. Units billed through this screen do not update billing history tables with amounts or number of units billed.

Unit Price

The unit price assigned on the Item Linkage subtask of the Manage CLIN Information screen defaults in for units invoices by CLIN/item. For units invoiced by price catalog/item, the unit price defaults in from the Manage Price Catalogs screen. This unit price can be modified.

Total Unit Amount

This field displays the number of units billed multiplied by the unit price. It cannot be modified.

Disc %

Use this field to store volume or good customer discounts. Costpoint multiplies discount percentages entered in this field by the Total Unit Amount to arrive at a Disc Amount. This Disc Amount is then used to reduce the invoice amount. Therefore, the invoice amount and billed receivable recognized and posted are net of this discount.

Do not use this field to store prompt payment discounts because you do not know, when preparing an invoice, whether a customer will pay within the terms eligible for discounts. Prompt payment discounts are applied as part of the entry of Cash Receipts; however, they are typically applied against an invoice that has been recorded at the full invoice amount.

Disc Amount

This field stores the discount amount arrived at by multiplying the Disc % by the Total Unit Amount. It can be edited. If you edit this field, the Disc % field is modified to reflect the new percentage of the discount.

This field is used to store volume or good customer discounts and is used to reduce the invoice amount. Therefore, the invoice amount and billed receivable recognized and posted are net of this discount.

Do not use this field to store prompt payment discounts since because you do not know, when preparing an invoice, whether a customer will pay within the terms eligible for discounts. Prompt payment discounts are applied as part of the entry of Cash Receipts; however, they are typically applied against an invoice that has been recorded at the full invoice amount.


Enter Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether sales tax should be accrued and added to this invoice. A value of N defaults in. If sales tax is required, enter the tax code for the locality in which you want to accrue sales tax.

Tax Code

If you entered Y (Yes) in the Taxable field, enter the sales tax code for which tax should be accrued. This code must exist in the Sales Tax table. You can maintain sales tax tables on the Manage Sales or Value Added Taxes screen.

Tax Rate

The rate entered on the Manage Sales or Value Added Taxes screen for the designated code defaults in. This rate can be modified.

Tax Amount

This field displays the tax amount calculated when the Tax Rate is multiplied by the net of the Total Unit Amount less the Disc Amount. This amount can be modified.

Total Line Amount

This field displays the total invoice amount. The amount displayed is net of total unit cost, discounts, and tax.

Line Item Type

Enter the line item type for this line. Valid options are:

  • 1: CLIN/SLIN
  • 2: Fee/Charge
  • 3: Allowance
  • 4: Tax

The default is 1, but you can modify it. This field is available only if the Enable Project Product Bills for iRAPT check box is selected on the Configure Billing Settings screen.


Enter a Y (Yes) if this line item is Government Furnished Equipment (GFE). The default is N (No). This field is available only if the Enable Project Product Bills for iRAPT check box is selected on the Configure Billing Settings screen.

Product Service Type

Enter the product service type. If you entered 1 in the Line Item Type field, MG defaults into this field, but you can modify it. This field is available only if the Enable Project Product Bills for iRAPT check box is selected on the Configure Billing Settings screen. The available product service types are:

  • B8: Batch Number
  • CL: Color
  • F8: Next Higher Used Assembly
  • FS: National Stock Number
  • FT: Federal Supply Class
  • MG: Manufacturer's Part Number
  • MN: Model Number
  • SN: Serial Number
  • SV: Service Rendered
  • VP: Vendor's Part Number
Event Code

Enter, or click the drop-down list to select, an event code. Valid options are:

  • S: Separable
  • C: Cumulative

S is the default, but you can modify it. Event codes are used only for performance-based payment or commercial item financing invoice types, which are not supported by Costpoint at this time. This field is available only if the Enable Project Product Bills for iRAPT check box is selected on the Configure Billing Settings screen.

Stock No

The stock number defaults into this field from the Manage Parts screen, but you can modify it. If no stock number is available, NONE displays. This field is available only if the Enable Project Product Bills for iRAPT check box is selected on the Configure Billing Settings screen.


Subtask Description
Standard Text Click this link to open the Standard Text subtask, where you can identify the standard text that you want to be printed on the invoice.
Exchange Rates Click this link to access the Exchange Rates subtask, where you can select a different (other than the default) billing currency or a different source for exchange rates used for this bill.
Invoice Totals Click this link to access the Invoice Totals subtask, where you can view the bill totals in both the billing currency and your company's functional currency. In addition, you can view the exchange rate for the billing currency.
Customs Info Click this link to access the Customs Info subtask, where you can view and edit customs information for the selected bill row. Included edits are destination country, delivery terms, mode of transportation, and supply date.
Currency Line Info Click this link to access the Currency Line Info subtask, where you can view any selected bill line in both the billing currency and your company's functional currency. In addition, you can view the exchange rate for the billing currency.
ACRNs Click this link to enter ACRN information for this line.
MILSTRIPs Click this link to enter MILSTRIPs information for this line.