Manage Tracking Field Labels

Use this screen to set up optional inventory, maintenance, and transfer tracking field labels that display in the related inventory, maintenance, and transfer screens.

You can use all these optional fields to record information that may be specific to your company but for which there are no system-defined standard fields with the desired labels.

  • You can use inventory tracking field labels to establish up to eight additional user-defined inventory categories, such as "Counted By", "Condition", and so on.
  • You can use maintenance tracking field labels to establish up to nine additional user-defined maintenance categories, such as "Type", "Vendor", "Cost", and so on. (Maintenance tracking capability includes a special-purpose numeric field in which to record maintenance costs in addition to eight available text fields).
  • You can use transfer tracking field labels to establish up to eight additional user-defined transfer categories, such as "From", "To", "Approved By", and so on.
Note: The data on this screen is company-specific and will be available for use only by your company of login. If you have set up multiple companies in Costpoint, you can enter, edit, view or use data on this screen for each company only by using the separate company login for each.

Although you can designate your preferred labels at any time on this screen, you may find it more convenient to decide on the label names before you begin to use the inventory, maintenance, and transfer tracking features.

How are these labels used in the Fixed Assets modules?

  • The inventory labels display on the Manage Asset Inventory Transactions, Create Asset Inventory Transactions, Edit Asset Inventory Transactions, Create Asset Inventory Information, Print Asset Inventory Information Report, and Import Asset Locations screens.
  • The maintenance labels display on the Manage Asset Maintenance Information, Create Asset Maintenance Transactions, Manage Asset Maintenance Transactions, Create Asset Maintenance Information, and Print Asset Maintenance Information Report screens.
  • The transfer labels display on the Manage Asset Transfer Information, Create Asset Transfer Transactions, Manage Asset Transfer Transactions, Create Asset Transfer Information, and Print Asset Transfer Information Report screens.

How can I change or delete the labels on this screen?

  • You can change the labels on this screen at any time.
  • You cannot actually delete the label by blanking the field, as the system requires a unique default label prior to saving the screen.

If you want to remove your edited label, you can enter the system default label (or any other unique label) in its place.

The initial system defaults for inventory labels are "Inventory1", "Inventory2" and so on.

The initial system defaults for maintenance labels are "Maint1", "Maint2" and so on.

The initial system defaults for transfer labels are "Transfer1", "Transfer2" and so on.