Export Asset Records

The Export Asset Records application facilitates the movement of large numbers of fixed asset records from one Costpoint database to another Costpoint database.

The application creates a delimited ASCII file of fixed assets data from records in a Costpoint database that you can then import into another Costpoint database via the Import Asset Records application. In addition, the Import Asset Records application performs data validations that are otherwise available only when manually adding records one at a time through Costpoint screens.

The Export Asset Records application creates a header row in the export file with the source database's current Posting Settings and Company ID. The Import Asset Records application will only upload an input file if the fiscal year and period in the input file matches the Posting Settings in the destination database. This feature ensures that mass asset record transfers from one Costpoint database to another are uploaded into the destination database in the same Fixed Assets year and period in which the assets were downloaded from the source database.

Note: The timing of the upload is important. All records that have depreciation posted against them need to be imported to the destination database such that the fiscal year and period in the destination database matches the fiscal year and period in the source database. Otherwise, it is likely that depreciation expense will not occur in the destination database in the right period(s).

Fixed Assets Export Asset Records can also be used to select assets to export for analysis, reporting and other purposes. Specifically, there are criteria that can be entered to select assets that have had changes to their data, or that have been added to the company’s Fixed Assets or disposed of within a specific time period. This feature can be very useful when exporting data to use with other products to report the location changes for Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) and Government Furnished Material (GFM) data to the U.S. government registry.

This screen contains two tabs:

  • Asset Selection: Use this tab to select one or more asset records to include in an asset master export based on whether certain fields in the asset have changed or new assets have been added or existing assets have been disposed of during any time period as selected.
  • Export File Details: Use this tab to specify the file delimiter and network location for the export file, to specify if you will generate disposal records, to specify if you will include Depreciable and/or Non-Depreciable assets in the export, and to Save a preliminary list (or Batch) of asset records that will be Retrieved later and completed prior to the actual asset data export.

Processing Fixed Assets Asset Export

The Export Asset Records screen allows you to specify contiguous and non-contiguous ranges of assets to process when you select the Non-Contiguous Asset list subtask. When you click the Modify/View Data for Export button in the Asset Master and Disposal Data Records subtask, the screen displays certain asset master and disposal data fields in table format. The tables allow you to:

  • edit data as necessary
  • save the original or changed records into the export application’s tables

The screen allows you to select active, inactive, disposed of, depreciable, and/or non-depreciable asset disposal records to export. You can select assets whose disposal status is on hold or selected for posting. Only records that match your screen option selections display in the asset master and disposal record tables in the Asset Master and Disposal Data Records subtask.

The application produces an error message if you attempt to export an asset record for which the depreciation for the current period does not equal zero, or if depreciation has been posted for the record in a net amount other than zero.