Setting Up Organization Information Options

Before you can transfer organization information from Costpoint to GovWin Capture Management or Deltek Resource Planning, you must use the Configure Organization Options screen to define selection criteria for the data that you want to include in the integration process.

Note: This procedure is intended to be used as a general guideline. For more information, refer to the Configure Organization Options section and the Costpoint online help.

To configure your organization data transfer settings:

  1. Go to the Configure Organization Options screen in Costpoint Administration.
  2. Enter a value in the Parameter ID field. This ID must be a unique code representing your settings on the screen. You can use the parameter ID to retrieve the settings that you just made by using the Query function.
  3. Define the parameters in the Organization/Reorganization fields in the Selection tab to select employee information by organization.
  4. From the Integration Type drop-down list on the Options tab, select the appropriate version of your GovWin Capture Management installation or Deltek Resource Planning:
    CRM/GovWin 4.1 (AI Engine) This is a legacy option for CRM/GovWin integration using the AI Engine.
    GovWin Capture Management (Deltek Connector) This is a legacy option for GovWin Capture Management through the Deltek Connector.
    GovWin Capture Management (Web Service) Select this option if you are running GovWin Capture Management integration using Vision Web Services. If you are using this method, run the integration using the Transfer GovWin Capture Management Data screen.
    Deltek Resource Planning Select this option if you are integrating with Deltek Resource Planning. If you select this option, run the integration process using the Transfer Resource Planning Data screen.
  5. If necessary, select the Use Last Processed Time Stamp check box to select rows that are new or modified from the last time the integration process ran.
    Leave this check box blank if you want to include all rows that meet your other criteria regardless of the time stamp.
  6. Select the Basic Information check box in the Organization Information group box to download the basic information associated with the range of employees that you specify.
  7. Select the Use Reorganization check box to use the reorganization structure.
    This allows you to use the fields in the Reorganization Options group box for setting up an organization structure identical to your implementation in GovWin Capture Management or Resource Planning.
  8. Select the Active and/or Inactive check boxes in the Organization Options group box to specify the organizations to include in the integration.
    You must select at least one of these check boxes.
  9. Enter a numeric character in the Organization Level field to indicate the organization level where the integration will begin.
    The data transfer will include the organization IDs defined at the indicated level and/or higher levels.
  10. Click save.gif to apply all your changes and settings.
    After setting up the export parameters for organization information, use the Parameter ID when running the data transfer process in the appropriate integration screen.