Prior Year Costs Subtask

Use this subtask to enter historical transactions for Cobra projects. The data in the table window are used for inception-to-date calculations.

Note: Although the Employee, Vendor, Vendor Employee, PLC, GLC, Direct Amount, and Direct Hours fields are editable, you must not change the value in these fields if they were inserted into this table by the Update Prior Year History process. The Update Prior Year History process updates this table with data from the Cobra Summary (CB_SUM) and Cobra Burden Summary (CB_BURD_SUM) tables. The data in the Cobra Summary and Cobra Burden Summary tables are derived from original transaction data. There are no audit trails available for any changes made to the data in these fields.


Field Description

Enter, or click binoculars.gif to select, an account ID for this transaction. This field is non-editable if the value is inserted into this screen by the Update Prior Year History process.

Account Name

This field displays the descriptive name for this Account.


Enter, or click binoculars.gif to select, the employee ID that charged this transaction.

Employee Name

This field displays the descriptive name for this Employee.


Enter, or click binoculars.gif to select, the vendor ID that was charged on this transaction.

Vendor Name

This field displays the descriptive for this Vendor.

Vendor Employee

Enter, or click binoculars.gif to select, the vendor employee ID that charged this transaction.

Vendor Employee Name

This field displays the descriptive name for this Vendor Employee.


Enter, or click binoculars.gif to select, the PLC that was charged on this transaction.


Enter, or click binoculars.gif to select, the GLC that was used on this transaction.

Direct Amount

Use this field to enter the direct amount charged for this transaction.

Direct Hours

Use this field to enter the direct hours for this transaction.

Burden Amount

This field displays the total of the burden amounts in the Pool Amounts subtask.

COM Amount

This field displays the COM amounts in the Pool Amounts subtask.


Subtask Description
Pool Amounts Click this link to open the Pool Amounts subtask and enter burden information by pool number.