FAR Clauses/Provisions Subtask

Use this subtask to assign applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clauses and provisions to the subcontract.

You can manually enter FAR clauses/provisions on this subtask. You can also use the autoload function to have Costpoint automatically populate the table window with the FAR clauses/provisions that are assigned to a specific contract.

This subtask is also updated when you use the Import FAR/Supplemental Regulation Files subtask for the FAR Clause/Provision regulation type.

Load Options

Use this group box to specify the contract from which FAR clauses/provisions will be copied, and identify the range of FAR clauses/provisions that you want to apply to the subcontract record you are accessing. You can also use this group box to load only FAR clauses/provisions that are marked as Required on the Manage FAR Library screen.

When you use the autoload function, the FAR clause/provision will automatically flow down from the selected Contract ID to the subcontract record only if the FAR clause/provision's Subcontract Flow-down option is set to Optional, Required, or Not Required on the Manage FAR Library screen or on the FAR Clauses/Provisions subtask of the Manage Contracts screen. If this option is set to None, the FAR clause/provision will not flow down to the subcontract record even if it is associated with the selected contract record.

Field Description
Copy FAR Clauses/Provisions from Enter, or click to select, the Contract ID from which you want to copy FAR clauses/provisions that will be loaded in the table window.
FAR Clauses/Provisions

From the Options drop-down list, select the range of FAR clauses/provisions to be included in the autoload process. Valid options are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End
Start Enter, or click to select, the starting FAR clause/provision for the range you want to include. If you select All or From Beginning in the Option field, this field is inactive.
End Enter, or click to select, the ending FAR clause/provision for the range you want to include. If you select All, One, or To End in the Option field, this field is inactive.
Load Required Rows Only Select this check box to load only FAR clauses/provisions that have the Required check box selected on the Manage FAR Library screen.
Autoload Click this button to load FAR clauses/provisions for the selected range.

Table Window

Use this table window to enter and/or mark FAR clauses/provisions that apply to the subcontract. If you used the autoload function, you can just mark the clauses or provisions that apply to the subcontract, if permitted. If you want to manually add clauses/provisions, click New and enter details in each field.

Field Description
Applicable to Subcontract

For manually entered lines, this check box is selected by default, but you can clear it. Keep it selected if the FAR clause/provision you entered is applicable to the subcontract record.

If you use the autoload function, this check box's default depends on the Subcontract Flow-down option selected on the Manage FAR Library screen or on the FAR Clauses/Provisions subtask of the Manage Contracts screen:

Subcontract Flow-down option Applicable to Subcontract check box default Can Applicable to Subcontract check box be edited?
Optional Selected Yes
Required Selected No
Not Required Clear Yes
Note: If Subcontract Flow-down is set to None, the FAR clause/provision does not flow down from the contract to the subcontract record.
Send to PO Select this check box if the FAR clause/provision should flow to the purchase order associated with the subcontract.
FAR Number Enter, or click to select, the FAR clause/provision number that applies to the subcontract. The lookup includes only FAR numbers that have the Show in Lookup check box selected on the Manage FAR Library screen.

This field displays the title of the FAR clause/provision number selected as set up on the Manage FAR Library screen. You can edit this title only if the Editable check box is selected for this FAR clause/provision in Manage FAR Library.

If the FAR number you entered does not exist in Costpoint, enter the title of the FAR number in this field.

Clause/Provision This field displays either Clause or Provision, depending on the FAR number you selected. If the FAR number you entered does not exist in Costpoint, select Clause or Provision from the drop-down list.
Description from Contract

This field displays the description of the FAR clause/provision number as set up on the Manage FAR Library screen. You can edit this description only if the Editable check box is selected for this FAR clause/provision in Manage FAR Library.

If the FAR number you entered does not exist in Costpoint, enter the FAR clause/provision description in this field.

Page No Enter the page number where the FAR clause/provision is located within the contract.
Page Reference No Enter the reference number where the FAR clause/provision is located within the contract for a given page.
Effective Date Enter, or click to select, the effective date of the FAR clause/provision.
Comments Enter comments or any additional information about the FAR clause/provision.

This field defaults to the Included value selected for the FAR clause/provision number on the Manage FAR Library screen, but can be edited. Use this drop-down list to indicate whether the FAR clause/provision number and/or description should be printed on a purchase order or on a Costpoint Enterprise Reporting (CER) report. Valid options are:

  • None: Select this option to exclude the FAR clause/provision details on purchase orders and CER reports.
  • IBR (Included by Reference): Select this option to print the FAR clause/provision number and FAR title on purchase orders and CER reports.
  • Full Text: Select this option to print the FAR clause/provision description, in addition to the number and title, on purchase orders and CER reports.
Risk Level This field defaults to the Risk Level value selected for the FAR clause/provision number on the Manage FAR Library screen, but can be edited. Valid values are High, Medium, and Low.
Notes This field defaults to the Notes entered for the FAR clause/provision number on the Manage FAR Library screen, but can be edited.
Subcontract Notes Enter additional notes associated with the subcontract.