Labor Cost Rate Setup

You can enable user-defined rates.

To enable user-defined rates, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Time & Expense > Time > Time Controls > Configure Time Settings.
  2. On the User Defined Rates area of the Miscellaneous tab, select the Use check box and enter a label for each rate that you want to use.
    User-Defined Rate 1 The first rate is well suited for labor cost rates, especially if the rates are driven by projects, unions, locations, labor codes, and so on.
    User-Defined Rate 2 The second rate is well suited for billing or "burn" rates, where the rates are driven by projects or labor codes.
    If you use the Labor Costing feature, when an employee charges hours on a timesheet line, Time & Expense goes through a series of steps to determine which rate to use as User Defined Rate 1 and User Defined Rate 2. The set of steps is different for the two rates.