Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media

Use this screen to print 1099s or to create a magnetic media file of 1099 information.

You must run these two processes separately.

Print 1099s and create the magnetic media file after you review all 1099 information using the Edit 1099 Information screen and the 1099 Edit Report.

Before printing the file, ensure that all vendor addresses are correct by checking the address codes on the Edit 1099 Information screen against the vendor address information on the Manage Vendor screen. (You can do this by printing the Vendor Information report.)

To ensure that your 1099 information is correct, print 1099s on blank paper before creating an electronic file (magnetic media). This enables you to check the final form of all 1099 information and correct any errors before printing actual 1099s or creating the magnetic media file. You cannot correct any errors after you create a magnetic media file; you must recreate the file.

Note: See 1099s Overview for background information about creating and printing 1099s. See 1099 Income Calculation Examples for illustrations of how Costpoint calculates 1099s. See 1099 FAQs for more information.