Print Prepayment Edit Report

Use this screen to generate a report that details which vouchers will be printed and the amounts of the checks.

You can run the report for any range of cash accounts/organizations. You can print the report by Pay Vendor ID or Pay Vendor Name.

This report includes only those vouchers that will be paid by check. Vouchers paid by electronic funds transfer (EFT) are not included in this report. To review vouchers that will be paid by EFT, print the EFT Pre-Transfer Edit Report.

To pay a voucher only in part, find the voucher on the Edit Voucher Payment Status screen, change the status of the voucher to PAY, and enter the partial payment amount in the Amount To Pay field.

Run and review this report before printing checks. You should retain this report as part of your audit trail.

Screen Contents

This screen has three blocks:

  • Use the Identification block to enter a parameter ID and description.
  • Use the Selection Ranges block to specify selection ranges for cash accounts, cash organizations, and pay currencies.
  • Use the Sort By block to sort the vouchers.