Related Leads/Contacts Subtask

Use this subtask to add other leads/contacts related to the lead/contact record you are currently accessing.

You must specify the other lead/contact ID and its relationship to the lead/contact you are creating or modifying. You can add as many related leads/contacts as desired on this subtask. You can also remove a related lead/contact record at any time.

When you add a related lead/contact, Costpoint creates two records to reflect the reciprocal nature of the relationship. When you remove a related lead/contact record, Costpoint deletes both records.

Click New to add a new line.

Table Window

Field Description
Associated Lead/Contact ID Enter, or click to select, the contact ID of the related lead/contact.
Contact First Name This field displays the first name of the selected Associated Lead/Contact ID.
Contact Last Name This field displays the last name of the selected Associated Lead/Contact ID.
Relationship Type Enter, or click to select, the relationship type between the lead/contact and the related lead/contact. Valid values are only those that exist on the Manage Lead/Contact Relationship Types screen. Codes that display in the lookup have the Show in Lookup check box selected in Manage Lead/Contact Relationship Types. Only codes that are available in the lookup can be used for new records in Manage Leads and Contacts.
Relationship Description Enter a detailed description of the lead/contact's relationship with the associated lead/contact.