Purge Old Statement of Indirects Subtask

Use this subtask to purge data from the POOL_SIE_SUPPORT table.

This table stores the data required for reprinting old Statement of Indirect Expenses (SIEs) when you have lost or forgot to purge and print an SIE for a previous fiscal year and period.

You can purge only those rows that appear in the existing row count in the table window.


Field Description
Allocation Group Number

Enter, or click to select, an allocation group number. Only allocation group numbers that have been set up in the Manage Allocation Groups screen display. Group 1 is the primary allocation group because all the pools in that group allocate to projects. However, you can select any valid allocation group. This is a required field.

Fiscal Year

Enter, or click to select, fiscal years that have been set up on the Manage Fiscal Years screen.

Period Number

Enter, or click to select, periods that have been set up on the Manage Accounting Periods screen.

Table Window

Field Description
Allocation Group

This non-editable column displays all allocation group numbers that have been set up on the Manage Allocation Groups screen but for which the data has not yet been purged. Group 1 is the primary allocation group because all the pools in that group allocate to projects.

Fiscal Year

This non-editable column displays fiscal years that have been set up on the Manage Fiscal Years screen.


This non-editable column displays periods that have been set up on the Manage Accounting Periods screen.


This non-editable column displays the number of rows of data by allocation group number, fiscal year, and period that can be purged and printed.


Click the arrow to the right of and select one of these choices from the drop-down list:

  • Purge Grp/FY/Pd Entered: Select this option to purge a specific row from the Existing Row Count in POOL_SIE_SUPPORT table window, as indicated by the selections made in the Allocation Group Number, Fiscal Year, and Period Number fields.
  • Purge All Periods: Select this option to purge all row data from the existing row count in the table window. After you make this selection, a confirmation message displays that all data rows will be deleted from the table window. Click Yes to confirm the process, or click No to cancel.