Add a Word Template Report to the Print Menu

This topic explains how to define and add the Word template report to the Print menu in an application.

To print a Word template report:

  1. Upload the Word template to Costpoint.
    1. In the Process menu, click File Upload.
    2. In the File Name field, navigate to the Word template file.
    3. In the Alternate File Location field, select the location to save the file.
    4. Click Upload.
  2. Add a new statement on the Manage Word Templates (SYMWRPTM) application screen.
    1. Go to Admin > System Administration > Printing > Manage Word Templates
    2. In the Manage Word Templates section, click New.
    3. In the new row, select the Company ID, Application ID, and Result Set ID. The result set ID must match the result set in the Word template document.
  3. Complete the Word Template Files section.
    1. In the Word Templates Files section, click New.
    2. In the File Location field, select the alternate file location where the Word report template was uploaded in Step 1.
    3. Enter a Template Name, Template Description, and Sequence for the Word report template.
    The Word template will display in the Print menu in the application specified on this screen.