Screen Fields

Use the fields of the Workflow Events screen to configure Event tasks and notifications and to set priority levels for them.

Event Identification Fields

Field Description

Enter a 5-character, uppercase alphanumeric event code. Each event code must be unique. Although this code does not display in other screens, you should assign a meaningful code because this field can be used in user-defined reports/inquiries.


Enter an event description of up to 60 alphanumeric characters.

Basic Information Fields


Field Description

Select the type of event from the drop-down. This field is non-editable for an existing event. The available options for a new event are:

  • "Timesheet" — This is a timesheet event.
  • "Schedule" — This is an employee work schedule event.

If you change this value before saving, the Actor and Action fields are returned to their default values.


Click to select the functional role associated with the person performing the task. The functional role descriptions are listed in alphabetical order. The default for a new event is "Employee."


Select an action from the drop-down.


Select this check box to indicate that the event is active.


Field Description

Select the initial priority for the event. The valid options are:

  • Low — If you select this option, the Upgrade to Medium After and the Upgrade to High After drop-downs are available.
  • Medium — If you select this option, the Upgrade to High After drop-downs are available.
  • High — If you select this option, the Upgrade to Medium After and the Upgrade to High After drop-downs are not available.
Upgrade to Medium After

Specify when you want your low priority event to go to medium priority. The valid options are:

  • Days — Select the number of days from the drop-down. The choices are "0" to "90" days.
  • Hours — Select the number of hours from the drop-down.  The choices are "0" to "23" hours.
  • Minutes - Select the number of minutes from the drop-down. The choices are "0" to "59" minutes.
Upgrade to High After

Specify when you want your low or medium priority event to go to high priority. The valid options are:

  • Days — Select the number of days from the drop-down. The choices are "0" to "90" days.
  • Hours —- Select the number of hours from the drop-down. The choices are "0" to "23" hours.
  • Minutes — Select the number of minutes from the drop-down. The choices are "0" to "59" minutes.