Manage Fixed Assets Accounting Periods

Use this screen to maintain accounting periods and period end dates for each fiscal year set up on the Manage Fixed Assets Fiscal Years screen.

Set up this required data during initialization and update it as necessary. You will also need to set up fiscal year data in the accounting period data for the Manage Fixed Assets Fiscal Years screen prior to initially entering accounting period data for each fiscal year.

You can manually enter and edit this data on this screen or you can optionally run a process from the Update FA FY/Pd Information from GL FY/Pd Information screen to automatically populate this screen with accounting period data that already exists in the General Ledger.

The system accesses the fiscal year/accounting period data when computing current period and/or projected depreciation.

This application consists of the Fiscal Year Info block and a Table Window, as follows:

  • Use the Fiscal Year Info block to enter or view the fiscal year and fiscal year description.
  • Use the secondary Table Window screen to define or view the accounting periods and period end dates for the fiscal year in the Fiscal Year Info block.

You should set up fiscal year and accounting period data before you compute the current period or projected depreciation expense, create fixed assets reports, run certain system utilities, or post depreciation to the General Ledger.

You should, at a minimum, enter accounting period data for the current fiscal year and for the next two future fiscal years to enable current period depreciation calculations. If you do not set up this information before you compute depreciation, incorrect data may display in your Asset Master records after the system has computed depreciation.

In some circumstances, you should also enter historical and/or future fiscal year/accounting period data. See the FAQ, "How is the fiscal year/accounting period setup data from this screen used in Fixed Assets?" for more information.


The setup data on this screen is effective across all companies and is not company-specific. If you have set up multiple companies in Costpoint, all companies can enter, view, and use the data on this screen.