Resource Schedule Edit Day Subtask

Use the Edit Day Properties subtask to review and manage your employees' schedules, including flexible days, off-site hours, and leave time.


Field Description

This non-editable field displays what type of properties you are viewing for the date:  

  • Employee Date - Date properties set up for this employee.
  • Company Date - Date properties set up at the company level.
  • Employee Day of Week - Day of the week properties set up for this employee.
  • Company Day of Week - Day of the week properties set up at the company level.


Non-Work Day

Select this check box to designate the date that you selected in the calendar as a non-working day.

Use this property for weekends or other days, other than holidays and leave days, on which the employee does not work.


Use this property for company holidays.


This check box is available if you selected the Non-Work Day, Holiday, or Vacation check boxes.

  • If you selected the Non-Work Day check box, select Flexible to allow the employee to charge hours to the date or day of the week. If a date is a non-workday and is not flexible, employees cannot enter hours for that date.
  • If you selected the Holiday check box, select Flexible to allow employees to work that date and take the holiday on another date.  If a date is a holiday and is not flexible, the employee must use the holiday charge for that date.
  • If you selected the Leave check box, select Flexible to allow employees to work that date and take the leave on another date.  If a date is set up as leave and is not flexible, the employee must use the leave charge for that date.

Use this property to indicate that the employee is taking leave on the selected date. Also, under Leave, enter the time period the employee will be on leave and the number of hours of leave he or she will take.

  • If the employee's timesheet class is set up to require leave to be requested, the leave appears in the work schedule calendar as pending until it has been approved.
  • If the timesheet class does not require leave requests, the leave appears as scheduled leave in the calendar.
  • If you enter leave hours for yourself and your timesheet class requires you to request leave and get supervisor approval, the leave appears in the work schedule calendar as pending until it has been approved. If you are not required to have leave approved, the leave appears in the calendar as scheduled leave.
  • If you are a supervisor and you enter leave hours for an employee you supervise, the leave appears in the employee's work schedule calendar as scheduled leave whether or not that employee is required to request leave. Your entry of the leave constitutes approval.

Standard Hours

For each day on the schedule, you can set a standard number of hours. Time & Expense uses this to determine how many hours the employee should have worked and for which days. By adding up the standard hours for a timesheet period, Time & Expense can determine the standard hours for the period. Even if a day is defined as a workday, you need not enter any hours unless the value in Standard Hours for that day is greater than zero.


Field Description

Enter the expected number of hours for lunch.

If the employee enters time in/time out information when completing a timesheet, this value becomes the default number of non-work hours for the date.

Start Time/End Time

If Time & Expense is set up to track start and end times for lunch, you can enter default start and end times for specific dates or days of the week for the employee.

When the employee enters time, these times appear by default when he or she opens the Time In/Out dialog box to record in/out times for the day.

If Track Lunch Start/End is not checked on the Miscellaneous tab of the Time configuration screen, these fields do not appear in the Date Properties dialog box or Day of Week Properties dialog box.


Field Description

If the employee is taking leave on the selected date, you can enter the number of hours to be taken in Hours under Leave.

You must select the Leave check box under Properties before you can make entries in the fields under Leave.

If the employee's timesheet class is set up to require leave to be requested, the leave appears in the work schedule calendar as pending until it has been approved.

You can also enter leave information by clicking one or more dates and then clicking Request Leave.

Start Time/End Time

Use Start Time and End Time under Leave to enter the start and end time of the leave period for the selected date.

Request Leave Click Request Leave to enable fields in this section. After you enter leave, click to submit the leave request.

Work: On-Site

Field Description

The number of on-site work hours is calculated based on the standard hours, leave hours, and off-site work hours specified for the date:

On-site work hours = Standard hours - leave hours - off-site work hours

Start Time/End Time

Use Start Time and End Time under Work: On-Site to enter the start and end time of the employee's on-site work hours.

If the employee enters time in/out when completing timesheets, these times become the default time in and time out for the date.

If the employee enters start/end times, the start time for the date in the schedule becomes the default start time for the first start/stop time record for that date in the timesheet.

Work: Off-Site

Field Description

If the employee will perform off-site work on the selected date, you can enter the expected off-site hours in Hours under Work: Off-Site.

If the employee is required to enter in and out times when entering timesheets, these hours become the default off-site work hours for the date when he or she opens the Time In/Out dialog box to enter those times.

Start Time/End Time

If the employee will perform off-site work on the selected date, use Start Time and End Time under Work: Off-Site to enter the start and end time of the employee's off-site work hours.