Required Criteria Subtask

Use this subtask to specify the criteria required for resources needed for the opportunity under the labor category selected on the Labor Categories subtask.

If the Use Planning check box is selected for the opportunity and the opportunity is linked to a new business budget, the criteria you specify on this subtask will be loaded for the labor category when selected on the Advanced Search subtask of the New Business Budgets and Budget By Resource screens in Costpoint Planning. Advanced Search pulls in resources that match the criteria, and you can choose to add these resources to the new business budget. Once the budget is committed, these resources will be added as potential resources for the selected opportunity labor category.

Attention: For details on how resource information is shared between the Contracts and Planning domains, see Opportunity and Contract Teams and Integration with Planning.

Table Window

Click New to add a new line.

Field Description
Criteria Type

Select the criteria type. Valid options are:

  • Skills
  • Training
  • Courses
  • Degrees
  • Security
  • US Citizen
  • ITAR Status

US Citizen and ITAR Status each can be used only once on a labor category. All the other types can have multiple values or rows assigned to a labor category.

ID Enter, or click to select, the criteria ID. Values available in the lookup depend on the criteria type selected.
Description This field displays the description of the Criteria ID selected.
Notes Enter notes related to the labor category required criteria.