Detailed Table Specifications

Importing accounts payable multicurrency vouchers update several tables.

Voucher Header Table

The Voucher Header table is filled as follows.

Field Source Costpoint performs these Validations
Anticipated Pay Date (ANTIC_PAY_DT) The Due Date from the Input File.
A/P Account (AP_ACCT_ID) The A/P Account from the Default A/P Accounts table.
A/P Accounts Key (AP_ACCTS_KEY) This is a Costpoint-generated key that correlates to the A/P Account Description. The A/P Acct Desc field is taken from the Input File. The default value is the A/P Account Description for the vendor.
  • A/P Acct Desc is a required field and must exist in the Input File or have a default value supplied from the Vendor table.
  • A/P Acct Desc must exist in the Default A/P Accounts table.
A/P Organization (AP_ORG_ID) The Organization from the Default A/P Accounts table.
A/P Reference Number 1 (AP_REF1_ID) The Ref No 1 from the Default A/P Accounts table.
A/P Reference Number 2 (AP_REF2_ID) The Ref No 2 from the Default A/P Accounts table.
Approval Date (APPRVL_DTT) Costpoint sets the Approval Date as follows:
  • If the Require Approvals check box is cleared on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen, Costpoint sets the approval date to the current system date.
  • If the Require Approvals check box is selected on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen and the invoice amount is less than or equal to the Approval Required Above amount on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen, Costpoint sets the approval date to the current system date.
  • If the Require Approvals check box is selected on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen and the invoice amount is greater than the Approval Required Above amount on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen, Costpoint sets the approval date to null.
Approved Flag (APPRVD_FL) Costpoint sets the Approved Flag as follows:
  • If the Require Approvals check box is cleared on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen, the Approved Flag is set to Y (Yes).
  • If the Require Approvals check box is selected and the invoice amount is less than or equal to the Approval Required Above amount on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen, Approved Flag is set to Y (Yes).
  • If the Require Approvals check box is selected and the invoice amount is greater than the Approval Required Above amount on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen, Approved Flag is set to N (No).
Cash Account (CASH_ACCT_ID) The Cash Account from the Default Cash Accounts table.
Cash Account Key (CASH_ACCTS_KEY) This is a Costpoint-generated key that correlates to the Cash Account Description. The Cash Acct Desc field is taken from the Input File. The default value is the default Cash Account Description for the vendor.
  • Cash Acct Desc is a required field and must exist in the Input File or have a default value supplied from the Vendor table.
  • Cash Acct Desc must exist in the Default Cash Accounts table.
Cash Organization (CASH_ORG_ID) The Organization from the Default Cash Accounts table.
Cash Reference Number 1 (CASH_REF1_ID) The Ref No 1 from the Default Cash Accounts table.
Cash Reference Number 2 (CASH_REF2_ID) The Ref No 2 from the Default Cash Accounts table.
Check Amount (CHK_AMT) The Input File. This field is optional. The default value is zero. If the Check Amount field is not blank in the Input File, Costpoint performs the following validations:
  • The Check Amount field must be numeric.
  • The check amount must be zero when the check number is zero.
  • The check amount cannot be zero when the check number is greater than zero.
  • The check amount cannot be less than zero.
  • The check amount cannot be greater than the unpaid balance.
Check Date (CHK_DT) The Input File. This field is optional. Costpoint uses the default of the current system date only if you provide a check number greater than zero in the Input File. If the Check Date field is not blank in the Input File, Costpoint performs the following validations:
  • The Check Date field must be a valid date.
  • The check date must be blank when the check number is zero.
Check Fiscal Year (CHK_FY_CD)

Check Period Number (CHK_PD_NO)

Check Subperiod Number (CHK_SUB_PD_NO)

You can supply values in the Input File. The Check Fiscal Year, Check Period Number, and Check Subperiod Number are optional.

Costpoint uses the defaults of the fiscal year, period, and subperiod only if you provide a check number greater than zero in the Input File.

If the fields are not blank in the Input File, Costpoint performs the following validations:
  • The combination of all three fields must exist and be open in the Subperiod table.
  • The combination of all three fields must exist and be open in the Subperiod Journal Status table with a journal code of CD.
  • All three fields must be blank if the check number is zero.
  • The Check Period and Check Subperiod fields must be numeric.
Check Number (CHK_NO)  The Input File. This field is optional. The default value is zero. If the Check Number field is not blank in the Input File, Costpoint performs the following validations:
  • The Check Number field must be numeric.
  • The check number cannot be less than zero.
Company Id (COMPANY_ID) The company for which the user is currently logged in.
Delivery Value (SHIP_AMT) The Input File. This field is optional. The default value is zero.
  •  If the Delivery Value field is not blank in the Input File, it must be numeric.
  • If the Delivery Value field is provided in the Input File, is numeric, and is not zero, the invoice type must be D.
Discount Amount (DISC_AMT) The Total Discount Amount field in the Input File.

If the Total Discount Amount, Discount Pct, and Discount Date fields from the Input File are all blank, Costpoint calculates the Discount Amount as the rounded product of the Invoice Amount multiplied by the Discount Percent, according to the Terms.

  • The Total Discount Amount, Discount Pct, and Discount Date from the Input File must either be all populated or all blank.
  • If the Total Discount Amount is not blank in the Input File, it must be numeric.
  • The amount in the Total Discount Amount field must equal the rounded product of the Invoice Amount multiplied by the Discount Percentage Rate.
  • The sum of the Discount Amount field on the detail record(s) for each unique voucher number and fiscal year combination must equal the Total Discount Amount on the header record.
Discount Date (DISC_DT) The Input File.

If the Total Discount Amount, Discount Pct, and Discount Date fields from the Input File are all blank, Costpoint sets the Discount Date equal to the invoice date plus the Discount Days, according to the Terms.

  • The Total Discount Amount, Discount Pct, and Discount Date from the Input File must either be all populated or all blank.
  • If the Discount Date field is not blank in the Input File, it must be a valid date.
  •  Costpoint displays a warning message when the Discount Date is less than or equal to the invoice date.
Discount Percentage Rate (DISC_PCT_RT) Costpoint computes this rate by dividing the Discount Pct from the Input File by 100.

If the Total Discount Amount, Discount Pct, and Discount Date fields from the Input File are all blank, Costpoint sets the Discount Percentage Rate to the Discount Percent, according to the Terms.

  • The Total Discount Amount, Discount Pct, and Discount Date from the Input File must either be all populated or all blank.
  • If the Discount Pct field is not blank in the Input File, it must be numeric.
Discount Taken Amount (DISC_TAKEN_AMT) The Input File. This field is optional. The default value is zero. If the Discount Taken Amount field is not blank in the Input File, Costpoint performs the following validations:
  • The discount taken amount must be numeric.
  • The discount taken amount must be zero if the check number is zero.
  • The discount taken amount cannot be less than zero.
  • The discount taken amount cannot be greater than the total discount amount.
  • The discount taken amount must be zero if you have selected the Net - Including Discounts option in the Post to G/L Discount Method group box on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen.
Due Amount (DUE_AMT) Costpoint calculates this amount by subtracting the Discount Amount from the Invoice Amount.
  • The Due Date must be a valid date.
  • Costpoint displays a warning message if the Due Date field is less than or equal to the Discount Date field.
Due Date (DUE_DT) The Input File. This field is optional. If the Due Date is blank in the Input File, Costpoint calculates the Due Date from the Invoice Date and Terms fields.
Entry Date (ENTR_DTT) The current system date.
Entry User (ENTR_USER_ID) The current user.
Fiscal Year (FY_CD)

 Period Number (PD_NO)

Subperiod Number (SUB_PD_NO)

The Input File or the screen. The default values are from the screen.
  • The combination of all three fields must exist in the Subperiod table.
  • The combination must be open in the Subperiod table.
  • The Period Number and Subperiod Number fields must be numeric.
Hold Voucher Flag (HOLD_VCHR_FL) The Input File.
  • The Hold Voucher Flag is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The Hold Voucher Flag in the Input File must be Y (Yes) or N (No).
Invoice (INVC_ID) The Input File.
Invoice Amount (INVC_AMT) The Input File.
  • Invoice Amount is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The Invoice Amount must be numeric.
Invoice Date (INVC_DT) The Input File.
  • Invoice Date is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The Invoice Date must be a valid date.
Invoice Period of Performance Date (INVC_POP_DT) The Input File. If the Invoice Period of Performance Date field is not blank in the Input File, it must contain a valid date.

The Invoice Period of Performance Date field is required when:

  • The Subcontractor Flag is set to Y for the vendor.
  • The Subcontractor Pay Code is set to P for the vendor.
Invoice Type (S_INVC_TYPE) The Input File. This field is optional. The default value is N.
  • The only values allowed for the invoice type are D, P, or N.
  • If the value is not supplied in the Input File, or the value supplied is not D, P, or N, Costpoint sets the invoice type to N.
Joint Payee Name (JNT_PAY_VEND_NAME) The Input File.
  • You cannot enter a Joint Payee Name if the EFT Active Flag is selected for the pay vendor and payment address code combination in the Vendor Address table.
Journal Code (S_JNL_CD) Costpoint sets the Journal Code to APV.
Notes (NOTES) The Input File.
Pay Vendor (PAY_VEND_ID) The Input File. The default value is the default Pay Vendor for the vendor.
  • Pay Vendor is a required field and must exist in the Input File or have a default value supplied from the Vendor table (Manage Vendor screen).
  • The Pay Vendor must exist in the Vendor table (Manage Vendors screen).
  • If the Allow Different Pay Vendor check box is not selected on the Configure Vendor Settings screen, the pay vendor (if supplied) must be the same as the vendor.
  • If the Allow Different Pay Vendor check box is selected on the Configure Vendor Settings screen but the Allow Edits to Pay Vendor on Voucher check box is not selected on the Defaults subtask of the Manage Vendors screen, the pay vendor (if supplied) must be the same as the vendor.
  • Costpoint displays a warning message if the Hold Payments check box is selected on the Manage Vendors screen.
Pay Vendor Pay When Paid Flag (PAY_WHEN_PAID_FL) The Input File. The default value is the Pay When Paid Flag for the vendor.
  • The Pay When Paid Flag is a required field and must exist in the Input File or have a default value supplied from the Vendor table.
  • The flag in the Input File must be Y (Yes), N (No), or blank.
Pay When Paid Amount (PAYWPD_AMT) Costpoint sets the Pay When Paid Amount as follows:
  • If Pay When Paid Flag is set to N, Pay When Paid Amount is set to zero for the voucher.
  • If Pay When Paid Flag is set to Y (Yes), the Pay When Paid Amount is the sum of the Net Amount (if Post to G/L Discount Method is Net - Including Discounts on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen) or Total Before Discount Amount (if Post to G/L Discount Method is Gross - Without Discounts on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen) for lines on the voucher that have a billable project and account.
Payment Address (PAY_ADDR_DC) The Input File. The default value is the default payment address for the pay vendor. In other words, where the Address Code has a Pmt Addr pay code of type D (Default) (as set on the Manage Vendor screen).
  • Payment Address is a required field and must exist in the Input File or have a default value supplied from the Vendor Address table (Manage Vendors screen).
  • If you supplied a Payment Address Code in the Input File, you must supply a Pay Vendor as well.
  • The Pay Vendor and Payment Address combination must exist in the Vendor Address table with a Pmt Addr pay code of type D (Default) or Y (Yes) (as designated on the Manage Vendors screen).
Print Note-Blank Laser Check Flag (PRINT_NOTE_FL) The Input File. If the Print Note-Blank Laser Check Flag in the Input File is not Y (Yes), then N (No) is the default value for this field.
PO Release Number (EXT_PO_RLSE_NO)
  • If the PO Release Number from the Input File is numeric, Costpoint uses the number in the Input File.
  • If the PO Release Number from the Input File is blank, Costpoint sets the number to zero.
  • If the PO Release Number is not blank in the Input File, it must be numeric.
Purchase Order Number (EXT_PO_ID)
  • If the Purchase Order Number from the Input File is not blank, Costpoint uses the number in the Input File.
  • If the Purchase Order Number from the Input File is blank, Costpoint sets the field to a single space.
Retainage Percentage (RTN_RT)
  • If the Retainage Rate from the Input File is numeric, Costpoint computes the Retainage Percentage by dividing the Retainage Rate by 100.
  • If the Retainage Rate from the Input File is blank, Costpoint sets the Retainage Percentage to zero.
  • If the Retainage Rate field is not blank in the Input File, it must be numeric.
Sales Tax Amount (SALES_TAX_AMT) Costpoint computes the Sales Tax Amount by summing the Detail Record(s) Sales Tax Amt field for each unique voucher number and fiscal year combination.
Sales Tax Code (SALES_TAX_CD) Costpoint sets the Sales Tax Code as follows:
  • If Sales Taxable or Use Taxable is selected as the setting for the A/P Vouchers option in the Tax Code Defaults group box on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen, the Sales Tax Code will be the Sales Use/Tax Code from the Vendor Address table (Manage Vendors screen) where the Pay Vendor and Payment Address combination is valid.
  • If Sales Taxable or Use Taxable is not selected for the A/P Vouchers option in the Tax Code Defaults group box, the Sales Tax Code is left null.
Subcontractor Pay Code (S_SUBCTR_PAY_CD) Costpoint sets the Subcontractor Pay Code as follows:
  • If the Subcontractor Flag is set to N for the vendor, the Subcontractor Pay Code is set to N.
  • If the Subcontractor Flag is set to Y for the vendor, the Subcontractor Pay Code is set to be the same as the Subcontractor Pay Code for the vendor.
Taxable Code (S_TAXABLE_CD) Costpoint sets the Taxable Code as follows:
  • Sets the Taxable Code to S if Sales Taxable is selected as the setting for the A/P Vouchers option in the Tax Code Defaults group box on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen.
  • Sets the Taxable Code to U if Use Taxable is selected as the setting for the A/P Vouchers option in the Tax Code Defaults group box on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen.
  • Sets the Taxable Code to N if Sales Taxable or Use Taxable is not selected for the A/P Vouchers option in the Tax Code Defaults group box on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen.
Taxable Flag (TAXABLE_FL) Costpoint sets the Taxable Flag as follows:
  • Sets the Taxable Flag to Y if Sales Taxable or Use Taxable is selected for the A/P Vouchers option in the Tax Code Defaults group box in the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen.
  • Sets the Taxable Flag to N if Sales Taxable or Use Taxable is not selected for the A/P Vouchers option in the Tax Code Defaults group box on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen.
Terms Description (TERMS_DC) The Input File. The default value is Terms for the vendor.
  • Terms is a required field and must exist in the Input File or have a default value supplied from the Vendor table (Manage Vendor screen).
  • The Terms must exist in the Vendor Terms table (Manage Vendor Terms screen).
Use Tax Amount (USE_TAX_AMT) Costpoint computes the Use Tax Amount by summing the Detail Record(s) Use Tax Amt field for each unique voucher number and fiscal year combination.
Vendor (VEND_ID) The Input File.
  • Vendor is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The vendor must exist in the Vendor table (Manage Vendors screen).
  • Costpoint displays a warning message if you selected the Hold Payments check box on the Manage Vendors screen.
Voucher Number (VCHR_NO) The Voucher Number is taken from the Input File or is assigned by Costpoint, depending upon the voucher numbering method selected on the preprocessor screen.
  • The input Voucher Number is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The input Voucher Number must be numeric.
  • The voucher number is required in the Input File regardless of the voucher numbering method selected. Costpoint uses the field as a break point to identify individual vouchers and match voucher header records with voucher detail records.
Voucher Type (S_VCHR_TYPE) Costpoint sets the Voucher Type to AP.

Costpoint sets the following fields to N:

  • Auto Creation Flag (AUTO_CREATE_FL)
  • Debit Memo Flag (DM_FL)
  • Debit Memo Printed Flag (DM_PRNTD_FL)
  • Over Budget Flag (OVR_BUD_FL)
  • Posted Accounts Payable Flag (POSTED_AP_FL)
  • Purchase Order Discrepancy (S_PO_DISCR_CD)
  • Receipt Discrepancy (S_RECPT_DISCR_CD)
  • Recurring Flag (RECUR_FL)
  • Recurring Template Flag (RECUR_TMPLT_FL)

Costpoint sets the following fields to zero:

  • Cost Amount (CST_AMT)
  • Recurring Voucher No (RECUR_PAR_VCHR_NO)

Costpoint sets the following fields to a single space:

  • Default Packing Slip (DFLT_PS_ID)
  • Retainage Notes (RTN_NT)
  • Sales Tax Source Code (S_SALES_TAX_SRC_CD)
  • Separate Check Flag (SEP_CHK_FL)

Costpoint leaves the following fields set to null:

  • Approval User ID (APPRVR_USER_ID)
  • Batch Number (BATCH_ID)
  • Default Warehouse (DFLT_WHSE_ID)
  • Discrepancy Calculation Date (DISCR_CALC_DTT)
  • Posting Sequence Number (POST_SEQ_NO)
  • Purchase Order (PO_ID)
  • Purchase Order Release Number (PO_RLSE_NO)
  • Receipt Number (DFLT_RECPT_ID)
  • Recurring Voucher Desc (RECUR_VCHR_DC)
  • Last Voucher Fiscal Year (LST_VCHR_FY_CD)
  • Last Voucher Period Number (LST_VCHR_PD_NO)
  • Last Voucher Subperiod Number (LST_VCHR_SUB_PD_NO)
  • Start Fiscal Year (START_FY_CD)
  • Start Period Number (START_PD_NO)
  • Start Subperiod Number (START_SUB_PD_NO)
  • End Fiscal Year (END_FY_CD)
  • End Period Number (END_PD_NO)
  • End Subperiod Number (END_SUB_PD_NO)

Voucher Line Table

The Voucher Line table is filled as follows:

Field Source Costpoint performs these Validations
Discount Amount (DISC_AMT) The Input File.

If a Total Discount Amount exists on the Voucher header record and the Discount Amount on all the matching detail record(s) has a value of zero, Costpoint computes a rounded discount amount for each detail record by multiplying the Discount Percentage Rate on the header record by the result of adding the Line Amount and Sales Tax Amount from each detail record.

Any rounding error will be added to the Discount Amount of the first detail record - voucher line number one.

  • Discount Amount is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The Discount Amount must be numeric.
Line Change Cost Amount (LN_CHG_CST_AMT) The Cost Amount from the Voucher Line Account table.
Line Change Tax Amount (LN_CHG_TAX_AMT) Costpoint sets this amount to be equal to the amount in the Sales Tax Amount field.
Line Change Use Tax Amount (LN_CHG_USE_TAX_AMT) Costpoint sets this amount to be equal to the amount in the Use Tax Amount field.
Notes (NOTES) The Input File.
Sales Tax Amount (SALES_TAX_AMT) The Input File.
  • Sales Tax Amount is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The Sales Tax Amount must be numeric.
  • The Sales Tax Amount must be zero if the Taxable Code is not S.
Sales Tax Code (SALES_TAX_CD) The Tax Code field in the Input File.
  • If the Taxable Code is N, the Tax Code must be blank in the Input File.
  • If the Taxable Code is S or U, the Tax Code is required.
  • If the Tax Code is required, it must exist in the Sales Tax table (the Manage Sales or Value Added Taxes screen).
Taxable Code (S_TAXABLE_CD) The Input File.
  • Taxable Code is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The Taxable Code must be S, U, or N.
Taxable Flag (TAXABLE_FL) Costpoint sets the Taxable Flag as follows:
  • If the Taxable Code is N, the Taxable Flag is set to N.
  • If the Taxable Code is S or U, the Taxable Flag is set to Y.
Total After Discount (NET_AMT) Costpoint computes the Total After Discount by subtracting the Discount Amount from the Total Before Discount.
Total Before Discount Amount (TOT_BEF_DISC_AMT) Costpoint computes the Total Before Discount Amount by adding the Line Amount and the Sales Tax Amount.
Use Tax Amount (USE_TAX_AMT) The Input File.
  • Use Tax Amount is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The Use Tax Amount must be numeric.
  • If the Taxable Code is not U, the Use Tax Amount must be zero.
Voucher Line Description (VCHR_LN_DESC) The Input File. The default value is the Account Description.
  • Voucher Line Description is a required field.
  • The Voucher Line Description must exist in the Input File or have the default value supplied from the Account table.
Voucher Line Number (VCHR_LN_NO) The Input File.
  • Voucher Line Number is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The Voucher Line Number must be numeric.
  • The Voucher Line Number must start with 1 and must be sequential within each unique voucher number and fiscal year combination.

Costpoint sets the following fields to zero:

  • Extended Cost Amount (EXT_CST_AMT)
  • Quantity (QTY)
  • Quantity Discrepancy Percentage (DISCR_QTY_RT)
  • Total Discrepancy Amount (DISCR_TOT_AMT)
  • Unit Cost (UNIT_CST_AMT)
  • Unit Price Discrepancy (DISCR_UNIT_PRC_AMT)
  • Unit Price Discrepancy Percentage (DISCR_UNIT_PRC_RT)

Costpoint sets the following fields to a single space:

  • Purchase Order Line Type (S_PO_LN_TYPE)
  • Return Material Authorization Number (RMA_NO_ID)
  • Sales Tax Notes (SALES_TAX_NT)

Costpoint leaves the following fields set to null:

  • Miscellaneous Line Charge Type (MISC_LN_CHG_TYPE)
  • Purchase Order Number (PO_ID)
  • Purchase Order Line Key (PO_LN_KEY)
  • PO Release Number (PO_RLSE_NO)
  • Units of Measure (UM_CD)

Voucher Line Account Table

The Voucher Line Account table is filled as follows:

Field Source Costpoint performs these Validations
Account (ACCT_ID) The Input File. The default value is the Account set up for the Project Account Abbreviation.
  • The Account must exist in the Account table (Manage Accounts screen)
  • The account must be active.
  • The account must be a detail account.
  • The account must be available for use in voucher entry.
  • The account must match the input mask specified for accounts. If any segment is shorter than the specified length for that segment, it will be padded. Numeric values are padded with zeroes on the left. Alphanumeric values are padded with spaces on the right.
Accounts Payable 1099 Flag (AP_1099_FL) The Input File. The default value is from the vendor.
  • A/P 1099 Flag is a required field and must exist in the Input File or have a default value supplied from the Vendor table. (The default value is supplied only if the 1099 Flag is blank and the 1099-MISC Type Code is blank in the Input File. Otherwise, the 1099 Flag defaults to N.)
  • The A/P 1099 Flag in the Input File must be Y, N, or blank.
1099-MISC Type Code The Input File. The default value is from the vendor. (The default value is supplied only when the 1099 Flag is Y and the 1099-MISC Type Code is blank in the Input File.)
  • 1099-MISC Type Code is required if the A/P 1099 Flag is Y
  • You cannot enter a 1099-MISC Type Code unless A/P 1099 Flag is Y.
  • The 1099-MISC Type Code must exist as a valid code in the System table (S_AP_1099_TYPE).
Cost Amount (CST_AMT) The Line Amount field in the Input File.
  • Line Amount is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The Line Amount must be numeric.
  • The sum of the Line Amount field plus the sum of the Sales Tax Amount field on the detail record(s) for each unique voucher number and fiscal year combination must equal the Invoice Amount on the header record.
Cost Amount Percentage Rate (CST_AMT_PCT_RT) Costpoint computes the Cost Amount Percentage Rate by dividing the Total Before Discount Amount on the detail record(s) for each unique voucher number and fiscal year combination by the Invoice Amount from the header record.
Line Change Cost Amount (LN_CHG_CST_AMT) Costpoint sets the Line Change Cost Amount to equal the Cost Amount field.
Organization (ORG_ID) The Input File.

If you supplied the Org Abbrev in the Input File, the default value is the Organization associated with the Org Abbrev.

If you did not supply an Organization or an Org Abbrev in the Input File:

  • Project or Proj Abbreviation will be required in the Input File.
  • The Default to Owning Org check box for the project must be selected on the Manage Project User Flow screen (in Project Setup).
  • The default value is the Owning Organization set up for the project.
  • The Organization must exist in the Organization table (Enter/Mange Organization Elements screen in General Ledger).
  • The Organization must match the input mask specified for the organization. If any segment is shorter than the specified length for that segment, it will be padded. Numeric values are padded with zeroes on the left. Alphanumeric values are padded with spaces on the right.
Organization Abbreviation (ORG_ABBRV_CD) The Input File. The default value is the Org Abbrev set up for the organization.
  • The Org Abbrev must exist in the Organization table (Manage Organization Elements screen).
  • If both Org Abbrev and Organization are supplied in the Input File, they must match in the Organization table (Enter/Mange Organization Elements screen).
Project (PROJ_ID) The Input File. The default value is the Project associated with the Proj Abbrev.
  • If the Project Required check box is selected for this account on the Manage Accounts screen, Project is a required field and the Project or the Project Abbreviation must exist in the Input File.
  • If you entered the Project Account Abbreviation, Project is a required field and either the Project or the Project Abbreviation must exist in the Input File.
  • The Project must exist in the Project table.
  • The Project must be active.
  • If the project requires a work force, the project/vendor combination must exist in the Project Vendor table (the Manage Vendor Work Force screen).
  • The project must match the input mask specified for the project. If any segment is shorter than the specified length for that segment, it will be padded. Numeric values are padded with zeroes on the left. Alphanumeric values are padded with spaces on the right.
Project Abbreviation (PROJ_ABBRV_CD) The Input File. The default value is the Proj Abbrev set up for the Project.
  • The Project Abbrev must exist in the Project table.
  • If both Project Abbrev and Project are supplied in the Input File, they must match in the Project table.
Project Account Abbreviation (PROJ_ACCT_ABBRV_CD) The Input File.
  • The Project Account Abbrev is required if the account is not supplied in the Input File.
  • A Project or Project Abbrev is required with a Project Account Abbrev.
  • The Project Account Abbrev must exist in the Account Group Setup table (the Manage Project Account Groups screen).
  • If both the Account and the Project Account Abbrev are supplied in the Input File, they must match in the Account Group Setup table (the Manage Project Account Groups screen).
Reference Number 1 (REF1_ID) The Input File. Reference Number 1 must:
  • Exist in the Reference Structure table.
  • Be available for use in data entry.
  • Be valid as a reference entry code 1.
Reference Number 2 (REF2_ID) The Input File. Reference Number 2 must:
  • Exist in the Reference Structure table.
  • Be available for use in data entry.
  • Be valid as a reference entry code 2.

Costpoint sets the following fields to be the same as the fields in the Voucher Line table:

  • Discount Amount (DISC_AMT)
  • Sales Tax Amount (SALES_TAX_AMT)
  • Taxable Code (S_TAXABLE_CD)
  • Taxable Flag (TAXABLE_FL)
  • Total After Discount (NET_AMT)
  • Total Before Discount Amount (TOT_BEF_DISC_AMT)
  • Use Tax Amount (USE_TAX_AMT)

Costpoint sets the following fields to a single space:

  • Template ID (FA_TMPLT_ID)
  • Template Revision ID (FA_TMPLT_RVSN_ID)

Costpoint leaves the following field set to null:

  • Template Key (FA_TMPLT_KEY)

Voucher Labor Vendor Table

The Voucher Labor Vendor Table is filled as follows:

Field Source Costpoint performs these Validations
Subline Number (SUB_LN_NO) The Vendor Subline Number field is taken from the Input File. The Vendor Subline Number:
  • Is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • Must be numeric.
  • Must start with 1 and be sequential within each unique voucher and fiscal year combination.
Vendor Hours (VEND_HRS) The Input File.
  • Vendor Hours is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The Vendor Hours must be numeric.
Vendor Amount (VEND_AMT) The Input File.
  • Vendor Amount is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The Vendor Amount must be numeric.
Vendor Employee ID (VEND_EMPL_ID) The Input File.
  • The combination of the Vendor ID from the header record and the Vendor Employee ID from the Vendor Labor record must exist in the Vendor Employee table.
Effective Billing Date (EFFECT_BILL_DT) The Input File.
  • The Effective Billing Date must either exist in the Input File or have a default value available. The default value is the Subperiod End Date.
  • If the Effective Billing Date is supplied in the Input File, it must be a valid date and in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
General Labor Category (GENL_LAB_CAT_CD) The Input File.
  • General Labor Category is a required field and must exist in the Input File.
  • The General Labor Category must exist in the General Labor Category table.
Project Labor Category (BILL_LAB_CAT_CD) The Input File.

Costpoint derives the default value from the Project Vendor Labor Category table (the Link Project Labor Categories to Vendor Work Force screen in Project Setup) for the project and vendor ID combination; or from the Project Labor Category Map table (the Link GLC to Project PLC screen in Project Setup) for the project and General Labor Category combination.

  • A Project is required before you can enter a Project Labor Category.
  • The Project Labor Category must exist in the Billing Labor Category table (the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC) screen).
  • If a work force is not required for the project, Costpoint looks for the project in the Project Labor Category table. If it finds the project, the project and PLC combination must exist in the Project Labor Category table.
  • If a work force is required for the project, the work force project, vendor ID, and PLC combination must exist in the Project Vendor Labor Category table.